GNGTS 2015 - Atti del 34° Convegno Nazionale
128 GNGTS 2015 S essione 2.2 References Albarello D., Cesi C., Eulilli V., Guerrini F., Lunedei E., Paolucci E., Pileggi D., Puzzilli L.M.; 2011: The contribution of the ambient vibration prospecting in seismic microzoning: an example from the area damaged by the 26th April 2009 L’Aquila (Italy) earthquake . Boll GeofisTeorApplVol. 52, n. 3, pp. 513-538; September 2011. Barnaba C., Bertoni M., TamaroA.; 2015: Site characterization of RAN stations performed by the OGS in the frame of S2-2014 Project: IT.MLC . Technical Report DPC-INGV-S2 Project ( ). Bindi, D., Pacor F., Luzi L., Puglia R., Massa M., Ameri G., and Paolucci R.; 2011: Ground motion prediction equations derived from the Italian strong motion database . Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 9 1899-1920. Di Capua G., Lanzo G., Pessina V., Peppoloni S., and Scasserra G.; 2011: The recording stations of the Italian strong motion network: geological information and site classification . Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 9: 1779–1796. Eurocodice 8; 2005: Progettazione delle strutture per la resistenza sismica . UNI-EN 1998-1. Konno K., Ohmachi T.; 1998: Ground-motion characteristics estimated from spectral ratio between horizontal and vertical components of microtremor . Bull Seismol Soc Am 88:228–241. Lanzano G., D’Amico M., Felicetta C., Luzi L., Puglia R., Pacor F.; 2015: Ground motion variability of the stations selected for PSHA model validation. Deliverable D2.3, DPC-INGV-S2 Project: Constraining observations into Seismic Hazard. Luzi L., Felicetta C., Puglia R., Russo E., Pacor F., D’Amico M., Lanzano G., and Task2 Working Group; 2015: Site- specific characterization of selected ITACA stations , DPC-INGV-S2 Project-2015-D2.1 . Luzi L., Bindi D., Puglia R., Pacor F., and Oth A.; 2014: Single-Station Sigma for Italian Strong- Motion Stations . Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 104 467–483. Luzi L., Hailemikael S., Bindi D., Pacor F., Mele F., Sabetta F.; 2008: Itaca (ITalianACcelerometric Archive): A Web Portal for the Dissemination of Italian Strong-motion Data . Seismological Research Letters, 79(5), 716–722. Doi: 10.1785/gssrl.79.5.716 NTC08; 2008: Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni . DM 140108, Ministero delle Infrastrutture, Roma, Gazzetta Ufficiale, 29, 4-2-2008. Pacor F., Paolucci R., Luzi L., Sabetta F., Spinelli A., Gorini A., Nicoletti M., Marcucci S., Filippi L., Dolce M.; 2011: Overview of the Italian strong motion database ITACA 1.0 . Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Volume 9, Issue 6, pp 1723-1739. PaolucciR , Pacor F, Puglia R, Ameri G, Cauzzi C, Massa M.; 2011: Record processing in ITACA, the new Italian strong-motion database . In: Akkar S, Gulkan P, Van Eck T (eds) Earthquake data in engineeringseismology. Predictive models, data management and networks, Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering series, Vol. 14, Chapter 8. Springer, 99–113. Puglia R., Albarello D., Gorini A., Luzi L., Marcucci S., Pacor F.; 2011a: Extensive characterization of Italian accelerometric stations from single-station ambient-vibration measurements . Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 9: 1821-1838. Doi: 10.1007/s10518-011-9305-z. Puglia R., Russo E., Pacor F., Luzi L., D’Amico M.; 2014: A software for the processing of the waveforms of the italian strong motion database. Second European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Istanbul. Aug. 25-29, 2014. Rathje E.M. Ph.D,Asce M.,KottkeA.R., and Trent W.L.; 2010: Influence of Input Motion and Site Property Variabilities of Seismic Site Response Analysis . Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 136(4), 607- 619. Rodriguez-Marek A., Montalva G. A., Cotton F., and Bonilla F.;2011: Analysis of Single-Station Standard Deviation Using the KiK-Net Data . Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 101 1242–1258. Site Effects Assessment using Ambient Excitations (SESAME) European project (2005)DeliverableD23.12— Guidelines for the implementation of the H/V spectral ratio technique on ambient vibrations: measurements, processing and interpretation . . Accessed March 2010.
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