GNGTS 2015 - Atti del 34° Convegno Nazionale

thrust belt (southern Italy). The station is a 6-channel K2-Kinemetrics data logger, equipped with a surface accelerometer (1g FBA ES-DECK Episensor) and a borehole accelerometer (1g shallow borehole Episensor) installed on the seismic bedrock at the bottom of a 70 m deep borehole. The data acquisition started on 18 February 2011. Most of the triggered events were recorded with a sampling rate of 250 Hz, and only few events were recorder at 100 Hz. 6. STIN. The STIN- San Stino di Livenza (VE) station is a new borehole seismic station installed by OGS in the alluvial plain of Veneto region. The station is a 6-channel RefTek rt130 data logger, equipped with a surface (Lennartz - LE-3DLite 1s) and a borehole velocimeter (Sara - SSBHV) installed in a 100 m deep borehole. The data are acquired in continuous mode and the sampling rate is 100 Hz. 7. TOPP. The TOPP station is located in Piana del Toppo, Travesio (PN), an area where OGS realized an instrumented site for the experimental study of borehole and surface geophysics. The station is a 6-channel Sara SL06 data logger, equipped with two Sara Force Balance accelerometers SA10 installed at the surface and in a 150 m deep borehole, respectively. The data are acquired in continuous mode from March 2015 and the sampling rate is 100 Hz. Waveforms. The NISBAS webpage Waveforms manage the archive of waveforms and it is divided into two sections, i.e. continuous ( Continuous Waveforms ) and the extracted ( Event Waveforms ) waveforms. The archive of continuous waveforms contains the entire record acquired by each station. Extracted waveforms refer, instead, to seismic events that have been detected by the network and contain data that have been processed by applying a standard processing procedure. Continuous Waveforms section implements the search and download functions of generic pieces of waveforms within the stream of continuous recordings. This functionality allows searching and retrieving any piece of signal, with some limitations about the overall size of the resulting files. Before downloading the data, the user can check the data availability for the selected time period. At this point data can downloaded as compressed files, in miniSEED (Ahern et al. , 2007) or SAC (Goldstein et al. , 2003) format. Event Waveforms section implements the search and download of waveform records concerning seismic events. In this section, the user can retrieve all the waveforms recorded by a station and related to a seismic event. Moreover, the main ground motion parameters (i.e. Peak Ground Acceleration PGA, Peak Ground Velocity PGV, Peak Ground Displacement PGD, Housner and Arias intensities, Tab. 1 - Stations stored in NISBAS database. Station Station Network Lon Lat Borehole Data code name code depth (m) Download ED01 Susegana EV 12.289 45.834 153 Continuous S. Lucia (TV) FERB Ferrara NI 11.540 44.900 130 Continuous borehole (FE) IMAA Tito Scalo BA 15.724 40.601 35 Event MIRB Mirandola NI 11.063 44.877 31, 126 Continuous borehole (MO) MSN Marsico BA 15.730 40.425 76 Event Nuovo (PZ) STIN San Stino NI 12.772 45.715 100 Continuous TOPP Pian del NI 12.817 46.198 150 Continuous Toppo (PN) 138 GNGTS 2015 S essione 2.2