GNGTS 2015 - Atti del 34° Convegno Nazionale

the bay shows deamplification: it coincides with more than 100-m thick sandstones. The largest amplifications refer to poorly compacted soils of Neogene-Quaternary age. The comparison between the results obtained following the two different approaches has highlighted the generalized larger amplification expected according the modelling of the soil local response, because both 1D and 2D modelling procedures take into account various soil parameters than shallow geological characteristics only. Acknowledgements. This study has been developed with the contribution of the ��������� ��� �������� ��� Programme for Training and Research in Italian Laboratories (TRIL) �� ��� ������������� ������ ��� ����������� �������� ��������� �������� ������ of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Miramare, Trieste, Italy. References Alvarez L., Villalón M. and Lindholm C.; 2015: Seismic Hazard for Cuba. Report, CENAIS and NORSAR Archives. BSSC (Building Seismic Safety Council); 2001: NEHRP recommended provisions for seismic regulations for new building and other structures. Part 1 – Provisions, 2000 edition. BSSC, Washington D.C., 374 pp. Calais E. and Mercier de L������ ��� ����� � ������� ����� �� ������ ��������������� ���������� ��� �� ������� épinay B.; 1990: A natural model of active transpressional tectonics: the en echelon structures of the Oriente deep along the northern Caribbean transcurrent plate boundary (Southern Cuban margin). Rev. Inst. Fr. Pét., 45, 147–160. Calais E. and Mercier de Lépinay B.; 1991: ���� ������������ �� ������������� ����� ��� �������� ��������� ����� From transtension to transpression along the Southern Caribbean plate boundary off Cuba: implications for the recent motion of the Caribbean plate. Tectonophysics, 186, 329–350. Carrillo D., Echavarría B., Castellanos E., Triff J. and Núñez K.; 2009: Léxico Estratigráfico de Cuba. Archivo del Instituto de Geología y Paleontología, La Habana Chuy T.J.; 1999: Macrosísmica de Cuba y su aplicación en los estimados de peligrosidad y microzonación sísmica. Tesis en opción al Grado de Doctor en Ciencias Geofísicas. Fondos del CENAIS y del Ministerio de Educación Superior. Das B.M.; 2001: Principios de ingeniería de cimentaciones. International Thomson Editores, S.A. de C.V. ISBN 970- 686- 035-5, pp. 137-143. Loke M.H.; 2004: Tutorial: 2-D and 3-D electrical imagining surveys. classes/223/loke_course_notes.pdf. Medina A., Escobar E., Ortiz G., Ramírez M., Díaz L., Móndelo F., Montejo N., Rodríguez H., Guevara T. and Acosta J.; 1999: Reconocimiento geólogo-geofísico de la cuenca de Santiago de Cuba, con fines de Riesgo Sísmico. Empresa Geominera de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, 32 pp. Medvedev S., Sponheuer W. and Kárník V.; 1964: Neue seismische Skala Intensity scale of earthquakes, 7. Tagung der Europäischen Seismologischen Kommission vom 24.9. bis 30.9.1962. In: Jena, Veröff. Institut für Bodendynamik und Erdbebenforschung in Jena, vol 77. Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, pp 69-76. Méndez I., Ortiz G., Aguller M., Rodríguez E., Llull E., Guevara T., López T., Guilart M., Mustelier M., Gentoiu M. and Lay M.; 2001: Base de datos digital de los levantamientos regionales de Cuba Oriental. Empresa Geólogo- Minera de Oriente (E.G.M.O.) y Oficina Nacional de Recursos Minerales (O.N.R.M). Moreno B., Grandison M. andAtakan K.; 2002: Crustal velocity model along the southern Cuban margin: implications for the tectonic regime at an active plate boundary. Geophys. J. Int., 151 , 632–645. NAVFAC (Naval Facility Engineering Command); 1982: Maximum density of the compacted materials. Microzonazione sismica. Procedure per elaborare una carta di pericolosità sísmica. ���� ������������������ ISBN 978-88-7758-797-8. Orellana E.; 1982: Prospección Geoeléctrica Continua. ��������� ���������� Editorial Paraninfo. Redpath B.; 1973: Seismics refraction exploration for engineering site investigations. U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Explosive Excavation Research Laboratory, Technical Report E-73-4, Livermore, California, 51 pp. Rivera Z.C., Garcia J., Slejko D. and Medina A.; 2013: Geotechnical model for Santiago de Cuba city. In: 32° Convegno Nazionale del Gruppo Nazionale di Geofisica della Terra Solida. Atti - Tema 2: Caratterizzazione sismica del territorio, pp. 330-334. Sadovskii M.A., Nersesov I.L., Medvedev S.V. and Liamzina G.A.; 1973: Main principles of the seismic microzoning. Voprosii Inzheniernoi Seismologii, Moscow, 15, 3-34, in Russian. Sanò T.; 1996: BESOIL. Un programma per il calcolo della propagazione delle onde sismiche. ������� �������� Italian National Seismic Service, Rapporto Tecnico SSN/RT/96/9. Sanò T. and Pugliese A.; 1991: PSHAKE, Analisi Probabilistica della Propagazione delle Onde Sismiche. Ente per le Nuove Tecnologie, L’Energia e L’Ambiente (ENEA), Direzione Sicurezza e Protezione. 176 GNGTS 2015 S essione 2.2