GNGTS 2015 - Atti del 34° Convegno Nazionale
References Bozzano F., Marra F., Martino S., PacielloA., Scarascia Mugnozza G. and Varone C.; 2015 : The local seismic response of the Fosso di Vallerano valley (Rome, Italy) based on a high resolution geological model. In. Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It., 35 , pp. 29-32. Enomoto, T., Navarro, M., Sánchez, F. J., Vidal, F., Seo, K. and Luzón, F.; 1998: Application of dynamic response analysis of buildings for the seismic risk assessment in Almeria city. 23rd general assembly of the european geophysical society; part 1, society symposia, solid earth, geophysics and geodesy. Guler, K., Yuksel, E., Kocak, A. ; 2008: Estimation of the Fundamental Vibration Period of Existing RC Buildings in Turkey Utilizing Ambient Vibration Records. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 12 , no.2, pp. 140–150, 2008 Italian Law: Directive of the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport n.22631. 25 /05/1982 Kham, M., Semblat J.F., Bard P.Y. and Dangla P.; 2006: Seismic site-city interaction: main governing phenomena through simplified numerical models. Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 96 , no. 5, pp. 1934–1951. Kobayashi, H., Vidal, F., Feriche, M., Samano, T., and Alguacil, G.; 1996: Evaluation of Dynamic Behaviour of Building Structures with Microtremors for Seismic Microzonation Mapping . The 11th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Acapulco, Mexico. Martino, S., Lenti, L., Gélis, C., Giacomi, A.C., Santili d’Avila, M.P., Bonilla, L.F., Bozzano, F., and Semblat, J.F.; 2015: Influence of lateral heterogeneities on strong-motion shear strains: simulation in the Historical Center of Rome. Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 105 , no. 5. Mucciarelli, M., Gallipoli, M.R., Gosar, A., Sket-Motnikar, B., Roser, J., Zupancic, P., Prevolnik, S, Herak, M., Stipčević, J., Herak, D., Milutinovic, Z., Olumceva, T.: 2012: Empirical estimates of dynamic parameters on a large set of European buildin gs. Bull. Earthquake Eng., 4 , no. 8(3), pp. 593-607. Navarro, M., Vidal, F., Enomoto, T., Alcal´ F.J., ,Garcıa-Jerez, A., S´anchez, F.J., and Abeki, N.; 2007: Analysis of the weightiness of site effects on reinforced concrete (RC) building seismic behaviour: The Adra town example (SE Spain). Earthquake Engng Struct. Dyn., 36 , pp. 1363–1383 NEHRP,; 1997: Recommended provisions for seismic regulations for new buildings and other structures , Parts 1 and 2. Building Seismic Safety Council, Washington D.C. NTC ; 2008: Technical standard for construction. Italian ministry of infrastructures and transportation . G.U. n. 29 – S.O.n.30. Semblat J.F., Kham M. and Bard P.Y,; 2008: Seismic-Wave Propagation in Alluvial Basins and Influence of Site-City Interaction . Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 98 , no. 6, pp. 2665-2678 Semblat J.F., Lenti L. and Gandomzadeh A,; 2011: A simple multi-directional absorbing layer method to simulate elastic wave propagation in unbounded domains . Int. J. Numer. Meth. Eng., 85 , pp. 1543-1563 Varone C., Lenti L., Martino S.; 2014: Engineering-geological and numerical modeling for the evaluation of the vibrational interaction between the city agglomerate and heterogeneous geological system: preliminary results . Atti del 33° Convegno GNGTS, Bologna (Italy), v. 2 Caratterizzazione sismica del territorio. Integrated passive and active geophysical prospections for seismic sites characterization G. Zoppè 1 , V. Maselli 2 , G. Costa 1 , E. Forte 1 1 Dipartimento di Matematica e Geoscienze, Università degli Studi, Trieste, Italy 2 Istituto Scienze Marittime (ISMAR-CNR), Bologna, Italy Introduction. The seismic monitoring of the territory is extremely important in a seismic area as Italy, in order to determine the strong ground motion parameters, as peak ground acceleration and velocity, and develop risk management strategies for earthquake hazards. For a correct definition of strong ground motion parameter, the knowledge of site effects is determinant. GNGTS 2015 S essione 2.2 183
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