GNGTS 2015 - Atti del 34° Convegno Nazionale
a surface weathered layer. In POLC site, the resonant frequency found with H/V spectral ratio was used, according to Haskell low, to determinate the bedrock depth. It was supposed that the shear waves velocity is similar to those evaluated in GEMO site. This study demonstrates, in different sites, how the integration of different methods represents the better strategy for a complete and optimal site characterization. Given the good results obtained at the investigated sites and the importance of site characterization for a correct definition of the seismic stations site class (CEN, 2003), the illustrated active and passive geophysical prospections will be performed at the seismic stations managed by our university. References Asten M.W., Henstridge J.D.; 1984: Array estimators and use of microseisms for reconnaissance of sedimentary basins . Geophysics, 49 , 1828-1837. Bard P.-Y., SESAME partecipants; 2004: The SESAME project: an overview and main results . 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, August 1-6, 2004, Paper No. 2207 Carulli G.-B., Giorgetti F., Nicolich R., Slejko D.; 1982: Friuli zona sismica: sintesi di dati sismologici, strutturali e geofisici . Guide Geol. Reg. Soc. Geol. ������ �������� Ital., 361-370. CEN; 2003: Eurocode8: Design of Structures for Earthquake Resistance, Part1: General Rules, eismic Actions and Rules for Buildings . December 2003, CEN Central Secretariat, Brussels, ENV 1998-1-1. Furlanetto E.; 2004: Indagini geofisiche per caratterizzare la struttura del sottosuolo del conoide di Gemona del Friuli . Master Thesis, University of Trieste. Hagedoorn J.G; 1959: The Plus-Minus method of interpreting seismic refraction sections . Geophysical Prospecting, 7 , 158-182. Haskell N.; 1960: Crustal reflection on plane SH waves . J. Geophy. Res., 65 , 4147-4150. Horike M.; 1985: Inversion of phase velocity of long-period microtremor to the S-wave velocity structure down to the basement in urbanized areas . Journal of Physics of the Earth, 33 , 59-96. Lacoss R. T., Kelly E. J., Toksoz M. N.; 1969: Estimation of seismic noise structure using arrays . Geophysics, 34 , 21-38. Maselli V.; 2007: Determinazione dei parametri strutturali dei sedimenti mediante l’inversione di rumore di rumore sismico acquisito con tecniche array e sismica attiva con tecniche MASW . Master Thesis, University of Trieste. Nakamura Y.; 1989: A method for dynamic characteristics estimation of subsurface using microtremor on the ground surface . Quart. Rep. Railway Tech. Res. Inst. (RTRI), 30 , 25-33. Palmer D., 1980: The generalized reciprocal method of seismic refraction interpretation . Society of Exploration Geophysicists. PavanA.; 2007: Misure di rumore sul conoide di Gemona del Friuli e loro interpretazione . Bachelor thesis, University of Trieste. Sambridge M.; 1999a: Geophysical inversion with a Neighbourhood Algorithm I. Searching a parameter space. Geophysical Journal International, 103 , 4839-4878. Sambridge M.; 1999b: Geophysical inversion with a Neighbourhood Algorithm II. Appraising the ensemble . Geophysical Journal International, 138 , 727–746. Yamanaka H., Takemura M., Ishida H., Ikeura T., Nozawa T., Sasaki T. e Niwa M.; 1994: Array measurements of long-period microtremors and estimation of S-wave velocity structure in the western part of Tokyo metropolitan area . Journal of the Seismological Society of Japan, 47 , 163-172. GNGTS 2015 S essione 2.2 189
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