GNGTS 2015 - Atti del 34° Convegno Nazionale
affecting Reggio Calabria (31 km 2 ; 12% of the entire territory, see detail in Fig. 3, right) and Messina (14 km 2 ; 7% of the entire territory). Considering the land cover/use of FDH areas (source: CLC 2006, EEA (2007), only 17 % is already urbanized. Conversely, most of the FDH areas (83 %) still affect agricultural and natural areas, but might be theoretically affected by urban development in the next future (see Fig. 3 – Left: Fault Displacement Hazard in the administrative territory of 73 Italian cities with population > 60,000 inhabitants. More than 60% of such cities are affected by capable faults: maximum expected offsets are different according to the fault class (see text for more details). Right: Fault Displacement Hazard areas at Reggio Calabria, mainly located in the hanging-wall of normal capable faults. Land Cover distribution and FDH areas; the FDH areas occur in urban (code 1), agriculture (code 2) and natural (code 3) zones. Tab. 1 - Fault Displacement Hazard in the administrative territory of 13 italian cities with population > 60,000 inhabitants, crossed by capable faults with relevant expected offsets, ranging from tens cms up to more than one meter (Fault Class 3, 4 and 5) Areas are expressed in km 2 . Land cover in FDH areas is based on CLC 2006 and points out urban (class 1), agriculture (class 2) and natural (class 3) areas. 194 GNGTS 2015 S essione 2.2
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