GNGTS 2015 - Atti del 34° Convegno Nazionale
map for Reggio Calabria in Fig. 4, right). The land cover affected by FDH areas for cities where FDH is relevant (Fault Class 3, 4 and 5) is reported in detail in Tab. 1. Of course, these results cannot be taken as a Fault Displacement Hazard zonation, due to the large uncertainties introduced in the analysis by the low-resolution in the spatial location of some ITHACA capable faults and in the CORINE Land Cover (scale 1:100,000). Conclusions. Despite the uncertainties in the location of the FDH areas, this study contributes to identify the Italian cities where Fault Displacement Hazard does exist and is relevant, in terms of areal extension and maximum expected offsets. The hazard is particularly evident in some cities located in Calabria and Sicily, in the inner sector of the Apennines and in Friuli. More detailed seismotectonic and paleoseismic investigations are recommended in the municipality territory of these cities for a more precise FDH zonation in order to i) adopt mitigation measures for strategic settlements located in the FDH areas and ii) to take into account the existing FDH in the areas that could be characterized by urban expansion in the next future. References Aoudia A. and Suhadolc P.; 2000: Il terremoto del 6 maggio 1976 e la tettonica attiva in Friuli. In. Galadini F., Meletti C., Rebez A. (Eds). Le ricerche del GNDT nel campo della pericolosità sismica (1996-1999). CNR-GNDT, Roma, 137-142. Bosi, C., Camponeschi, B. and Giglio, G.; 1976: Indizi di possibili movimenti lungo faglie in occasione del terremoto del Friuli del 6 maggio 1976 . Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital. 94 , 187– 206. Bryant W.A. and Hart E.W.; 2007: Fault-rupture hazard zones in California: Alquist-Priolo earthwquake fault zoning act with index to earthquake fault zones maps . Calif. Geol. Surv. Spec. Publ., 42 , 41 pp. Boncio P., Galli, P., Naso, G., and Pizzi, A.; 2012: Zoning surface rupture hazard along normal faults: Insight from the 2009 Mw 6.3 L’Aquila, Central Italy, Earthquake and other global earthquakes. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America June 2012 vol. 102 no. 3 918-935 doi: 10.1785/0120100301. Comerci V., Blumetti A.M., Di Manna P., Fiorenza D., Guerrieri L., Lucarini M., Serva L. and Vittori E.; 2013: ITHACA Project and Capable Faults in the Po Plain (Northern Italy). Ingegneria Sismica, Special Issue “Seismic risk in the Po Plain”, Year XXX – n. 1-2 – January-June 2013, 36-50. EEA; 2007: CLC2006 technical guidelines. EEA Technical report No 17/2007, Copenhagen, Denmark. http://www. Guerrieri L., Blumetti A.M., Di Manna P., Serva L. and Vittori E.; 2009: The exposure of urban areas to surface faulting hazard in Italy: a quantitative analysis. Boll.Soc.Geol.It. (Ital.J.Geosci.), Vol. 128 , No. 1 (2009). Guerrieri L., Blumetti A.M., Comerci V., Di Manna P., Michetti A.M., Vittori E., and Serva L.; 2013:. Fault Displacement Hazard in Italy: input for siting of critical facilities and land planning. 4th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology (PATA), 9-14 October 2013, Aachen, Germany, 91-94. Guerrieri L., Blumetti A.M., Comerci V., Di Manna P., Michetti A.M., Vittori E. and Serva L.; 2014: Surface Faulting Hazard in Italy: Towards a First Assessment Based on the ITHACA Database . Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 5 , 2015, 1021-1025, Springer. Lettis W.R., Wells. D.L., and Baldwin J.N.; 1997: Empirical Observations Regarding Reverse Earthquakes, Blind Thrust Faults, and Quaternary Deformation: are blind thrust faults truly blind?. Bull. Seism. Soc. Of America, vol. 87 , n. 5, 1171-1198. Livio F., Berlusconi A., Michetti A.M., Sileo G., Zerboni A., Trombino L., Spoetl C. and Rodnight H.; 2012: Late Pleistocene to Holocene activity of a blind thrust deduced from surface secondary faulting: preliminary paleoseismological results on the Monte Netto site (N Italy). Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It., Vol. 21 (2012), 351-353. Meghraoui M., R. Jaegy R., Lammali K. and F. Albar F.; 1988: Late Holocene earthquake sequences on the E1 Asnam (Algeria) thrust fault . Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 90 (1988) 187-203. Martinis B. and Cavallin A.;1976: The Friuli earthquake May 6, 1976: ground cracks and sand mounds . Boll. Geofis. Tero. Appl., 19 , 792-808. Meletti C. andValensise G.; 2004: Zonazione sismogenetica ZS9 - App.2 al Rapporto Conclusivo. Gruppo di Lavoro per la redazione della mappa di pericolosità sismica (Ordinanza PCM 20.03.03. n. 3274) – INGV http://zonesismiche. Meyer B., Avouac J.P:, Tapponnier P. and Meghraoui M.; 1990: Mesures topographiques sur le segment SW de la zone faillee d’El Asnam et interpretation mecanique des relations entre failles inverses et normales. Topographic measurements of the southwestern segment of the El Asnam fault zone and mechanical interpretation of the relationship between reverse and normal faults. Bull. de la Soc. Geol. de France (May 1990), 6 (3):447-456. GNGTS 2015 S essione 2.2 195
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