GNGTS 2015 - Atti del 34° Convegno Nazionale
264 GNGTS 2015 S essione 2.3 Ringraziamenti. Questo studio è stato finanziato parzialmente dal Dipartimento Nazionale di Protezione Civile nell’ambito del Progetto DPC-RELUIS 2015 – Osservatorio Sismico delle Strutture e Monitoraggio. Bibliografia Al-Nimry H., Resheidat M., Al-Jamal M.; 2014: Ambient vibration testing of low and medium rise infilled RC frame buildings in Jordan . Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 59 , pp. 21–29. Applied Technological Council 1978: Tentative provisions for the development of seismic regulation for buildings . Rep. No, ATC3-06, Applied Technological Council, Paolo Alto, California. Circolare 2 febbraio 2009, n. 617 Istruzioni per l’applicazione delle «Nuove norme tecniche per le costruzioni» di cui al decreto ministeriale 14 gennaio 2008. Crowley H., Pinho R.; 2004: Period-height relationship for existing European reinforced concrete buildings. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 8 (Special Issue 1), pp. 93-119. Crowley H., Pinho R.; 2010: Revisiting Eurocode 8 formulae for periods of vibration and their employment in linear seismic analysis. Earthquake Engineering and Structural dynamics, Vol. 39 , pp. 223-235. Ditommaso R., Vona M., Gallipoli M.R., Mucciarelli M.; 2013: Evaluation and consideration about foundamental period of damaged reinforced concrete buildings . Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Vol. 13 , pp. 1903- 1912. Dolce M., Cardone D., Marnetto R., Mucciarelli M., Nigro D., Ponzo F.C. Santarsiero G.; 2004: Experimental static and dynamic response of a real r/c frame upgraded with SMA recentering and dissipating braces . Proc. 13th World Conf. on Earthquake Eng., Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 1–6 August 2004, paper no. 2878, CDRom Edition. Fabbrocino G., Rainieri C., Verderame G.M.; 2007: L’analisi dinamica sperimentale e il monitoraggio delle strutture esistenti. Giornata di Studio “Controllo e monitoraggio di edifici in Calcestruzzo Armato: il caso-studio di Punta Perotti, Bari, Ialia, Giugno 2007. Gallipoli M.R., Mucciarelli M., Šket-Motnikar B., Zupanćić P., Gosar A., Prevolnik S., Herak M., Stipčević J., Herak D., Milutinović Z., Olumćeva T.; 2010: Empirical estimates of dynamic parameters on a large set of European buildings. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 8 , pp. 593-607. Goel R.K., Chopra A.K.; 1997: Period formulas for moment-resisting frame buildings. Structural Engineering Division ASCE; Vol. 123 , pp. 1454-1461. Guler K., Yuksel E., Kocak A.; 2008: Estimation of the Fundamental Vibration Period of Existing RC Buildings in Turkey Utilizing Ambient Vibration Records. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 12:S2 , pp. 140-150. Hatzigeorgiou G.D., Kanapitsas G.; 2013: Evaluation of fundamental period of low-rise and mid-rise reinforced concrete buildings. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, Vol. 42 , pp. 1599-1616. Hong L., Hwang W.; 2000: Empirical formula for fundamental vibration periods of reinforced concrete buildings in Taiwan . Earthquake Engineering and structural Dynamics, Vol. 29 , pp. 327-333. Kose M.M.; 2009: Parameters affecting the fundamental period of RC buildings with infill walls . Engineering Structures, Vol. 31 , pp. 93-102. Lee L.H., Chang K.K., Chun Y.S.; 2000: Experimental formula for the fundamental period of RC buildings with shear-wall dominant systems . The Structural Design of Tall Buildings, Vol. 9 , pp. 295-307. Mainstone R.J.; 1974: Supplementary note on the stiffness and strength of infilled frames , Current paper CP13/74, Build. Res. Establishment, London. Michel C., Guéguen P., Lestuzzi P., Bard P.Y.; 2010: Comparison between seismic vulnerability models and experimental dynamic properties of existing buildings in France . Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 8 , pp 1295-1307. NTC. Nuove norme tecniche per le costruzioni. DM 14 gennaio 2008, Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 29 del 4 febbraio 2008. Oliveira C.S., Navarro M.; 2010: Fundamental periods of vibration of RC buildings in Portugal from in-situ experimental and numerical techniques . Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 8 , pp. 609-642. Prajapati N., Desai A.N.; 2012: Effect of height and number floors to natural time period of a multi-storey building. International journal of emerging technology and advanced engineering, ISSN 2250-2459, Vol. 2 , Issue 11. Ricci P., Verderame G.M., Manfredi G.; 2011: Analytical investigation of elastic period of infilled RC MRF buildings . Engineering Structures, Vol. 33 , pp. 308–319. Salama M.I.; 2013: Experimental estimation of time period of vibration for moment resisting frame buildings . 2 nd Turkish Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology – TDMSK -2013 September 25-27, 2013, Antakya, Hatay/Turkey. Verderame G.M., Iervolino I., Mariniello C., Manfredi G.; 2007: Il periodo nella valutazione sismica di edifici esistenti in c.a . 12° Convegno Nazionale ANIDIS, Pisa, 10-14 giugno 2007, paper 315. Verderame G.M., Iervolino I., Manfredi G.; 2010: Elastic period of sub-standard reinforced concrete moment resisting frame buildings . Bullettin Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 8 , pp. 955-972. Vidal F., Navarro M., Aranda C., Enomoto T.; 2014 : Changes in dynamic characteristics of Lorca RC buildings from pre- and post-earthquake ambient vibration data. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 12 , pp. 2095-2110.
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