GNGTS 2015 - Atti del 34° Convegno Nazionale
GNGTS 2015 S essione 1.1 31 clearly points out that the propagation of the active normal faults of eastern Sicily occurred on the flank of the uplifted crustal blocks, 500 kyr after the onset of their remobilisation caused by the mantle perturbation. The crustal extension governing the propagation of the seismogenic normal faults of eastern Sicily can be thus interpreted as the delayed surface expression of an incipient active rifting which causes the gravity sliding of the crust from the uplifted mantle wedge towards the still retreating Ionian slab. In conclusion, active extension at the southern edge of Calabrian arc totally replaced the dextral crustal shearing in accommodating the Calabrian still active arc migration. This evidence candidates the extensional features of eastern Sicily as the main seismogenic sources of the region. References Bianca M., Monaco C., Tortorici L. and Cernobori L.; 1999. 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