GNGTS 2015 - Atti del 34° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2015 S essione 3.1 29 The Reflection Strength attribute permits to visualize the data taking into account the seismic reflectivity and, in particular, it highlights the strong impedance contrasts related to lithological changes and thus allows to discriminate the limits between sequences and to localize the amplitude anomalies from the igneous bodies. Therefore, according to the observed amplitude response, each seismic section is divided into three different seismofacies (Fig. 2). The seismofacies A is located in the upper part of the sections and is characterized by alternating reflectors with medium to high Reflection Strength response. The seismofacies B (below A) is constituted by a package of reflectors that have the maximum amplitude values, alternated by thin reflectors with medium amplitude values. The seismofacies C, located in the lower part of the sections, presents discontinuous reflectors Fig. 1 –Map of the survey. In black are the positions of the analysed seismic sections. The inline 1560 is highlighted in red. The width of the map is 30 km along the E-W direction and 60 km in the N-S direction. Fig. 2 – Reflection Strength of the inline1560. The limits between the seismofacies A, B, C and the localized amplitude anomalies L, M and N, related to the igneous bodies, are highlighted. The strong impedance contrasts between the anomalies and the host-seismofacies C are evident.