GNGTS 2015 - Atti del 34° Convegno Nazionale
References Aki K., Richards P. G., 2002. Quantitative seismology. 2nd edition, University Science Book, ISBN 0935702962. Busetti, M., Volpi, V., Nicolich, R., Barison, E., Romeo, R., Baradello, L., Brancatelli, G., Giustiniani, M., Marchi, M., Zanolla, C., Nieto, D., Ramella, R., Wardell, N., 2010. Dinaric tectonic features in the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic) . Boll. Geof. Teor. Appl. 51, 117–128. Böhm, G., G.Rossi, e A. Vesnaver, 1999. Minimum time ray-tracing for 3-D irregular grids, J. of Seism. Expl., 8: 117-131. Brambati, A., Catani, G., 1988. Le coste e i fondali del Golfo di Trieste dall’Isonzo a Punta Sottile: aspetti geologici, geomorfologici, sedimentologici e geotecnici . Hydrores 5 (6), 13–28. Carulli G.B., 2011. Structural model of the Trieste Gulf: A proposal . Journal of Geodynamics 51, 156-165 Cucchi F., Piano C., et al. , 2013, Brevi note illustrative della carta geologica del Carso classico italiano, Progetto GEO-CGT: Cartografia Geologica di sintesi in scala 1:10.000, Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia GeoSyntech, 2004, Piano di caratterizzazione ambientale ai sensi del d.m. 471/99 per l’area “ex-Esso” nel Porto di Trieste , Relazione tecnica di sintesi delle indagini ambientali e delle analisi di laboratorio Loke, M.H., 2011. Electrical resistivity surveys and data interpretation. in Gupta, H (ed.), Solid Earth Geophysics Encyclopaedia (2nd Edition) “Electrical & Electromagnetic”,Springer-Verlag, 276-283. Strobbia C., Foti S., 2006. Multi-offset phase analysis of surface wave data (MOPA) . J. Appl. Geophys, 59, 300-313. Vignoli G., and G. Cassiani, 2009. Identification of lateral discontinuities via multi-offset phase analysis of surface wave data, Geoph. Prosp., 58, 389-413 Vignoli, G., Gervasio, I., Brancatelli, G., Boaga, J., Della Vedova, B. and Cassiani, G., 2015, Frequency-dependent multi-offset phase analysis of surface waves: an example of high-resolution characterization of a riparian aquifer . Geoph. Prosp. doi:10.1111/1365-2478.12256 USGS - MODFLOW Vesnaver A. and Böhm G., 2000: Staggered or adapted grids for seismic tomography? The Leading Edge, 9, 944-950. A 5-km long waterborne CVES survey on the Po river in the town of Turin: preliminary results L. Sambuelli 1 , C. Comina 2 , A. Fiorucci 1 , P. Dabove 1 , I. Pascal 1 , C. Colombero 2 1 DIATI – Politecnico di Torino, Italy 2 DST – Università di Torino, Italy Introduction. The geological imaging and characterization of a riverbed is an essential starting point to determine thickness, lateral continuity and hydrogeological properties of the submerged deposits and to investigate the interconnecting relationship between surfacewater and groundwater. However, geological prospecting in water-covered areas could be very difficult, expensive and time-consuming with traditional survey techniques. Direct investigations (e.g. continuous core boring) are often neither cost effective nor reasonably quick and adequate in number to cover the whole water stream and to obtain a reliable correlation of data over a wide area. Geophysical methods can therefore be very useful to investigate sediments which are entirely located beneath a water-covered area. Among the available geophysical methods the use of non-seismic methods to study water-covered area is relatively recent (Sambuelli and Butler, 2009). Focusing on the electrical techniques used for waterborne surveys, Continuous Vertical Electrical Soundings (CVES) using multichannel resistivity meters makes possible to simultaneously perform several resistivity measurements, in a fast and cost-effective way. CVES have been applied in water-covered areas for different purposes and using different electrode configurations a review of successful case histories can be found in Colombero et al. (2014). Even if many of the previous studies agree that the use of submerged electrodes allow better penetration in the submerged sediments, the use of floating electrodes seems sometimes 76 GNGTS 2015 S essione 3.2
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