GNGTS 2015 - Atti del 34° Convegno Nazionale
Within survey area 1, is visible a 8nT (red dashed lines) anomaly, labelled R, that was interpreted as related to ancient road. The anomalies labelled A with a negative gradient values (ranging from -10 to -7 nT) could be related to archaeological structures. The high positive anomaly indicate by a red arrow and labelled F could be related to the presence of a furnace. Conclusions. In this paper a combined GPR and magnetic gradiometric prospecting has been presented, applied to a site dating back to Late Antique and Byzantine time inApulia. Both magnetic gradiometry and GPR allowed us to identify salient aspects of site during a limited window of time. The GPR data allowed to represent time slices and a 3D visualization of the buried context, which has confirmed the presence of anomalies, probably ascribable to some remaining foundations of Late Antique or Early Medieval rural buildings. Indeed, the area has been used for agricultural exploitation for many years now, and frequent ploughings certainly destroyed many archaeological evidences, as proved by the large pottery scatters visible in the fields. Magnetic gradiometry results reveal more anomalies than GPR prospections and evidenced a probable road, a production area (maybe a kiln) and some other structures that could be of archaeological interest. Relating these data with those coming from archaeological survey and possible future excavations could clarify the functional usage of this part of the Late Antique vicus, and his transformation into a byzantine village. Acknowledgments. The work was conducted as part of the PRIN 2010-2011 (2010H8WPKL) “Global Archaeology and history of the rural landscapes of Italy between Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Integrated system of sources, methods and techniques for a sustainable development”; financed by Italian MIUR. The authors also thank the Soprintendenza Archeologia della Puglia (Taranto), for the authorization to the surveys and Dr Salvatore Matteo of the municipality of Cutrofiano for his help in the field. References Arthur P., L’archeologia del villaggio medievale in Puglia , in Milanese M. (a cura di), Vita e morte dei villaggi rurali tra Medioevo ed Età Moderna, Firenze, 2006, pp. 97-121. Arthur P., Verso un modellamento del paesaggio rurale dopo il Mille nella Puglia meridionale , in Archeologia Medievale XXXVII, 2010, pp. 215-228. Arthur P., Per una carta archeologica della Puglia altomedievale: questioni di formulazione ed interpretazione , in Bizantini, Longobardi e Arabi in Puglia nell’alto medioevo, Atti del XX Congresso internazionale di studio sull’alto medioevo, Savelletri di Fasano 3-6 novembre 2011, Spoleto, 2012a, pp. 59-85. Arthur P., Villages, communities, landscapes in the Byzantine and Medieval Salento , in Galetti P. (a cura di), Paesaggi, comunità, villaggi medievali, Atti del Convegno internazionale di studio, Bologna 14-16 gennaio 2010, Spoleto, 2012b, pp. 546-563. Arthur P., Fiorentino G., Grasso A.M., Leo Imperiale M., La Storia nel Pozzo. Ambiente ed economia di un villaggio bizantino in Terra d’Otranto –Supersano 2007. Catalogo della Mostra ( Museo Storico-Archeologico dell’Università del Salento, 8 ottobre-25 novembre 2011). Unisalento Press, Lecce, 2011, ISBN 978-88-9651- 508-2, pp. 88. Arthur P., Fiorentino G., Leo Imperiale M., L’insediamento in Loc. Scorpo (Supersano, LE) nel VII-VIII secolo. La scoperta di un paesaggio di età altomedievale , in Archeologia Medievale XXXV, Firenze, 2008, pp.365-380. Melissano V., Ricerche archeologiche nel territorio di Cutrofiano (Lecce) , in Studi di Antichità 6, Galatina 1990, pp. 257-297. Greco A., Lapadula E., L’insediamento di età tardoromana in località Badia, Cutrofiano (Lecce). Dati preliminari sulla ceramica dipinta , in Museo della Ceramica di Cutrofiano, Quaderno 8-9 (a cura di S. Matteo), Congedo Editore, 2004, pp. 11-38. Cammarano F, Mauriello P, Piro S. 1997. Highresolution geophysical prospecting with integrated methods. The ancient Acropolis of Veio (Rome, Italy). Archaeological Prospection 4: 157– 164. Piro S, Mauriello P, Cammarano F. 2000. Quantitative integration of geophysical methods for archaeological prospection. Archaeological Prospection 7: 203–213. Piro S, Goodman D, Nishimura Y. 2003. The study and characterization of Emperor Traiano’s Villa (Altopiani di Arcinazzo, Roma) using high-resolution integrated geophysical surveys. Archaeological Prospection 10: 1–25. Gaffney V, Patterson H, Piro S, Goodman D, Nishimura Y. 2004. Multimethodological approach to study and characterize Forum Novum (Vescovio, central Italy). Archaeological Prospection 11: 201– 212. Seren S, Eder-Hinterleitner A, Neubauer W, Groh S. 2004. Combined high-resolution magnetics and GPR surveys of the roman town of Flavia Solva.Near Surface Geophysics 2: 63–68. 92 GNGTS 2015 S essione 3.2
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