GNGTS 2015 - Atti del 34° Convegno Nazionale

46 GNGTS 2015 S essione 1.1 unconformably lying upon Eocene marls, are deformed by ca. NW-SE trending thrusts and folds (ENEL - DCO, 1984), as observed in seismic reflection profiles. At the study site, excavation works have exposed a reverse fault zone that displaces the late Miocene marly bedrock (Pecetto Fm.) and the overlying recent colluvial pedogenized deposits. This fact points to a recent landscape evolution of the site partially driven by active contractional tectonics. Fig. 1 – a) Simplified structural setting of the MonferratoArc – western Po Plain area; PTF: Frontal Thrust, coordinates system UTM WGS84 – 32N; b) buried and outcropping thrust fronts along the eastern Monferrato (modified after Enel, 1985; Bonadeo, 2014) and main river terraces bordering the Monferrato hills. Black box indicates the area of Fig. 3.