GNGTS 2015 - Atti del 34° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2015 S essione 3.2 103 (Hennig and Weller 2005). Here we consider the main diagonal of J T J , where J is Jacobian matrix of the inverse model. The inversion process will better resolve model blocks with a higher relative model sensitivity. To obtain inclusive parameters that express the overall effectiveness and resolution of each data set, for each model we calculated the average model misfit and the average sensitivity . For models #1 and #2 (resistive and conductive targets) we also calculated the average model misfit and the average sensitivity, evaluated on windows of the same size as each resistive square anomaly. Fig. 1 – Results of the inversion of some data sets starting from the synthetic model shown in (a); b) inverse models for noisy data sets; c) inverse models for noise-free data sets; d) images of the model misfit; e) images of the relative model sensitivity.