GNGTS 2015 - Atti del 34° Convegno Nazionale
founded by an investigation performed by Amato et al. (1990) and probably connected to the region of 1976 Friuli earthquake. It has also been shown a section in Slovenia which crosses perpendicularly the main systems of fault, in particular the Idrija fault, to try to detect the highest discontinuities of External Dinarides. Acknowledgements. We are very grateful to Dr. Maurizio Ponton to make available the geological sections used for this work. References Amato A., De Franco R. and Malagnini L.; 1990: Local souce tomography: application to italian areas. Terra Nova, 2 , 596-608. Aoudia A., Saraò A., Bukchin B. and Suhadolc P.; 2000: The 1976 Friuli (NE Italy) thrust faulting earthquake: a reappraisal 23 years later . Geophys. Res. Lett., 27 , 573-576. Bajc J., Aoudia A., Saraò A. and Suhadolc P. 2001: The 1998 Bovec-Krn mountain (Slovenia) earthquake sequence . Geophys. Res. Lett. 28 , 1839-1842. Böhm G., Rossi G. and Vesnaver A.; 1999a: Minimum-time ray tracing for 3-D irregular grids . Journal of seismic exploration, 8 , 117-131. Böhm G., Galuppo P. and Vesnaver A.; 1999b: Staggered adapted and stacked grids in seismic tomography . In: EAGE 61 st Conference and Technical Exhibition, Helsinki, Finland. Böhm G., Accaino F., Rossi G. and Tinivella U.; 2006: Tomographic joint inversion of first arrivals in a real case from Saudi Arabia . Geophys. Prosp., 54 , 721-730. Böhm G., Accaino F., Rossi G. and Tinivella U.; 2006: Tomographic joint inversion of first arrivals in a real case from Saudi Arabia . Geophys. Prosp., 54 , 721-730. Böhm G., Okagoğlu N., Picotti S. and De Santis L.; 2009: Western Ice Sheet evolution: new insights from a seismic tomographic 3D depth model in the Eastern Ross Sea (Antarctica). Marine Geology, 266 , 109-128. Bragato P. L., Costa G., Horn N., Pahor J., Pesaresi D. and Lenhardt W. A.; 2010: The usage of Antelope for acquiring and exchanging data in the southeastern Alps: present configuration and future perspectives. In: 32 nd European Seismological Commission General Assembly, Montpellier, France. Bressan G., Gentile G. F., Perniola B. and Urban S.; 2009: The 1998 and 2004 Bovec-Krn (Slovenia) seismic sequences: aftershock pattern, focal mechanisms and static stress changes . Geophys. J. Int., 179 , 231-253, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04247.x. Brückl E., Bleibinhaus F., Gosar A., Grad M., Guterch A., Hrubcová P., Keller G. R., Majdański M., Šumanovac F., Tiira T., Yliniemi J., Hegedűs E. and Thybo H.; 2007: Crustal structure due to collisional and escape tectonics in the Eastern Alps region based on profiles Alp01 and Alp02 from the ALP 2002 seismic experiment . J. Geophys. Res., 112 , B06308, DOI:10.1029/2006JB004687. Burrato P., Poli, M. E., Vannoli P., Zanferrari A., Basili R. and Galadini F.; 2008: Sources of Mw 5+ earthquakes in northeastern Italy and western Slovenia: an updated view based on geological and seismological evidence. Tectonophys., 453 , 157-176. CAT 3D Software (version 6.0); 2008: Computer Aided Tomography for 3-D models . User Manual, OGS Institute, Trieste, Italy. Cati A., Fichera R. and Cappelli V.; 1989: Northeastern Italy. Integrated processing of geophysical and geological data . Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 40 , 295-308. Chiarabba C. and Amato A.; 1994: From tomographic images to fault heterogeneities . Ann. Geofis, 37 , n°6, 14. Costa G., Panza G. F., Suhadolc P. and Vaccari, F.; 1992: Zoning of the Italian region with synthetic seismograms computed with known structural and source information. In: Proc. 10 th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Madrid, Spain, pp. 435-438. Costa G., Moratto L. and Suhadolc P.; 2010: The Friuli Venezia Giulia Accelerometric Network: RAF . ����� ������� Bull. Earthq. Eng., 8 , 1141-1157. Galadini F., Poli M. E. and Zanferrari A.; 2005: Seismogenic souces potentially responsible for earthquakes with M 6 in the eastern Southern Alps (Thiene-Udine sector, NE Italy) . Geophys. J. Int. 161 , 739-762. Lomax A., Michelini A. and Curtis A.; 2009: Earthquake Location, Direct, Global-Search Methods . Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, 5 , 2449-2473. Michelini A., Zivcic M. and Suhadolc, P.; 1998: Simultaneous inversion for velocity structure and hypocenters in Slovenia . Journal of Seismology, 2 , pp. 257-265. Placer L.; 1999: Contribution to the macrotectonic subdivision of the border region between southern Alps and External Dinarides . Geologija, 41 , 223-255. Platt J. P., Behrmann J. H., Cunningham P. C., Dewey J. F., Helman M. and Parish M.; 1989: Kinematics of the Alpine arc and the motion history of Adria . ������ Nature 337 , 158-161, DOI: 10.1038/337158a0. Ponton M.; 2010: Architettura delle Alpi Friulane . In: Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale, Pubbl. n. 52, Udine, Italy, pp. 9-69. 74 GNGTS 2015 S essione 1.2
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