GNGTS 2016 - Atti del 35° Convegno Nazionale
GNGTS 2016 S essione A matrice 21 the results of future paleosesimological analyses. In fact, the displacements constrained by paleoseismological trenches will comprehend also the post-seismic slip along a structure that is between a normal fault and a deep seated gravitational deformation: therefore, the application of empirical relationships between surface faulting parameters and earthquake magnitude (e.g. Wells and Coppersmith, 1994) should consider this additional epistemic uncertainty. In conclusions, what has been observed during the August 24, 2016, central Italy earthquake has important consequences in conducting paleoseismological analysis. Based on empirical relationship (e.g., Wells and Coppersmith, 1994), 25 cm of offset in a trench wall would allow to estimate a magnitude 6.1 to 6.3 (depending if considering the maximum or average throw). Being 25 cm close to the maximum throw of fractures measured along the “Cordone del Vettore” fault, the Mw 6 earthquake still fit rather well. However, a future paleoseismological investigation on the Cordone del Vettore” fault would lead to erroneously locate the epicenter in the Castelluccio basin, instead of the Accumoli- Amatrice area. References Blumetti,A.M. (1991). Evoluzione geomorfologica, attività tettonica quaternaria e paleosismicità in alcune depressioni tettoniche dell’Appennino Centrale. Unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Camerino. Calamita, F., Coltorti, M., Farabollini, P., Pizzi, A. (1994). Le faglie normali quaternarie nella dorsale appenninica umbro-marchigiana: proposta di un modello di tettonica di inversione. Studi Geologici Camerti, 211-225. Cooper, M.A., Williams, G.D. (1989). Inversion structures – recognition and characteristics. In: Cooper, M.A., Williams, G.D. (Eds.), Inversion Tectonics. Geological Society of London, Special Publication, 44, pp. 341–347. Demangeot J. (1965) - Géomorphologie des Abruzzes Adriatiques. Mém. et Doc. du C.N.R.S., Paris, pp. 403. Di Domenica, A., Turtù, A., Satolli, S., Calamita, F. (2012). Relationships between thrusts and normal faults in curved belts: New insight in the inversion tectonics of the Central-Northern Apennines (Italy). Journal of Structural Geology, 42, 104-117. Doglioni, C., Carminati, E., Petricca, P., Riguzzi, F. (2015a). Graviquakes. Abstracts Volume 6th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archaeoseismology, 19-24 April 2015, Pescina, Fucino Basin, Italy. Miscellanea INGVAnno 2015_Numero 27 ISSN 2039-6651, 130-133. Doglioni, C., Carminati, E., Petricca, P., Riguzzi, F. (2015b). Normal fault earthquakes or Graviquakes. www.nature. com/scientificreports | 5:12110 | DOI: 10.1038/srep12110 Dramis F., Blumetti A.M. (2005). Some Considerations Concerning Seismic Geomorphology And paleoseismology. In: MICHETTI A.M., AUDERMAN F. and MARCO S., Eds. Special Issue “Paleoseismology: Integrated Study of the Quaternary Geological Record for Earthquake deformations and faulting”. Tectonophysics, Vol. 408, 177- 191 EMERGEO Working Group (2016). Terremoto di Amatrice del 24 agosto 2016: Effetti Cosismici doi: 10.5281/ zenodo.61566 Gruppo di Lavoro INGV sul terremoto di Amatrice (2016). Primo rapporto di sintesi sul Terremoto di Amatrice Ml 6.0 del 24 Agosto 2016 (Italia Centrale), doi: 10.5281/zenodo.61121 Pierantoni, P., Deiana, G., Galdenzi, S. (2013). Stratigraphic and structural features of the Sibillini Mountains (Umbria- Marche Apennines, Italy). Italian Journal of Geosciences, 132(3), 497-520. Pizzi, A., Galadini, F. (2009). Pre-existing cross-structures and active fault segmentation in the northern-central Apennines (Italy). Tectonophysics, 476(1), 304-319. Serva L. Blumetti A.M., Guerrieri L., Michetti A. M. (2002). The Apennine intermountain basins: the result of repeated strong earthquakes over a geological time interval. Proceedings Convegno “Geological and geodynamic
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