GNGTS 2016 - Atti del 35° Convegno Nazionale

560 GNGTS 2016 S essione 3.2 results show zones on the vault where the water stagnates. In these zones, the stability analysis showed a probability of collapse that could occur within 2 years. Given the low values of the self potentials, the water flow velocity is fairly reduced. The flow velocity likely increases during the rainy season thus increasing the danger of collapse. Another problem linked to the presence of water is related to the formation of ice during the winter. In the zones of water stagnation, this phenomenon leads to an increase in the volume of water and consequently to an increase of the probability of collapse. Fig. 2 – a) ERT surveyed areas; b) 3D electrical resistivity distribution in the subsoil; c) 3D electrical resistivity distribution crossing the roman bath. Near surface seismostratigraphic modelling of the Bandita plain in Palermo town (Italy) from integrated analysis of HVSR and stratigraphic data R. Martorana 1 , M. Agate 1 , P. Capizzi 1 , F. Cavera 1 , A. D’Alessandro 2 1 Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e del Mare (DiSTeM), Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy 2 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Centro Nazionale Terremoti, Roma, Italy Introduction. The Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) noise method (Nakamura, 1989) is nowadays widely used to estimate the resonance frequencies of geological structures (Bonnefoy-Claudet, 2006). However, often HVSR is also used to obtain information on the depth of the seismic bedrock and on thickness and seismic velocity of the process overburden deposits, using inversion techniques of the H/V curve (Fäh et al. , 2003). This nevertheless