GNGTS 2016 - Atti del 35° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2016 S essione 3.2 579 Fig. 3 – a) Intial two layer parameter space, as used in the inversion procedure of MASW data. b) Minimum misfit S-wave velocity model (red line) and space of stable generated models (colour band), derived from the inversion of MASW data. frequency, equal to 6.44±1.6 Hz, generated by the impedance contrast between pyroclastic sediments and carbonate basement. Considering the simple quarter-wavelength fundamental frequency relationships, this estimate may also furnish a constrain on the estimates of Vs and/or thickness obtained by the MASW survey. GPR method offered a 2D definition of the target and the advantage of a versatility and speed of use, as well as high sensitivity in detecting changes in the dielectric properties of deposits, related to the presence of water in the middle. Results have demonstrated the validity of all the applied geophysical methods in describing changes in the physical properties of the target in question (pyroclastic deposit). Integrate prospecting methodologies guarantee useful constrains to define the physical and geometrical features of the pyroclastic cover deposits. References Castellaro, S. and Mulargia, F. (2009) - The Effect of Velocity Inversions on H/V, Pure Appl. ��������� ���� �������� Geophys., 166, 567–592, doi:10.1007/s00024- 009-0474-5. Coco G., Corrao M. (2009) - Geofisica applicata. ��������� �������� �������� Flaccovio editore, 198-226. Davis J.L., Annan A.P. (1989) - Ground penetrating radar for high-resolution mapping of soil and rock stratigraphy. Geophysical Prospecting 37, 531-551. Dal Moro G., Pipan M. (2008) - Rayleigh-wave Dispersion Curve Inversion. De Vita P., Agrello D., Ambrosino F. (2006) - Landslide susceptibility assessment in ash-fall pyroclastic deposits