GNGTS 2016 - Atti del 35° Convegno Nazionale

588 GNGTS 2016 S essione 3.3 Cervelli P.F., T. Fournier, J. Freymueller, and J.A. Power, 2006. Ground deformation associated with the precursory unrest and early phases of January 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska; Geophysical Research letters, 33 L18304, doi: 10.1029/2006GL0272219,2006. Chang W. L, Robert B Smith, Jamie Farrell, and Christine M. Puskas, 2010. An Extraordinary episode of Yellowstone caldera uplift, 2004-2010, from GPS and InSAR observations. Geophysical research letters, Vol. 37, L23302, doi:10.1029/2010GL045451. ChangW. L, Robert B Smith, Jamie Farrell, and Christine M. Puskas, 2010. Accelerated Uplift and Magmatic Intrusion of the Yellowstone Caldera, 2004 to 2006.SCIENCE Vol.318 Crumey, A. 1996. D’Alembert’s principle Memory, Reason and Imagination. DeNosaquo, K., Smith, R.B., Lowry, A.R., 2009. Density and lithospheric strength models of the Yellowstone-Snake River Plain volcanic system from gravity and heat flow data. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 188, 108 127 Fedi, M., F. Cella, T. Quarta, and A. V. Villani 2010. 2D Continuous Wavelet Transform of potential fields due to extended source distributions, Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal., 28, 320–337, doi:10.1016/j.acha.2010.03.002. Fialko Y., Yakov Khazan and Mark Simons, 2001. Deformation due to a pressurized horizontal circular crack in an elastic half-space, with applications to volcano geodesy, Geophys.J. Int, 146, 181-190. Jaegger, J.C. and N.G.W. Cook 1979. Fundamentals of rock Mechanics, 3rd edition (Chapman & Hall, London), pp.513. Lisowski M., 2005 Analytical volcano deformation source models. Luttrell K, Davide Mencin, Olivier Francis and Shaul Hurwitz .2013. Constrains on the upper crustal magma reservoir beneath Yellowstone Caldera inferred from lake-seiche induced strain observations. Geophysical Research letters, Vol. 40, 501-506, doi:10.1002/grl.50155. Love, A. E. H .1892. On the vibrations of an elastic circular ring.” Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 1.1: 118-120. Mogi, K.,1958 Relations between the eruptions of various volcanoes and the deformations of the ground surfaces around them, Bull. Earthquake Res. Ins., Univ. Tokyo, 36, 99-134. Ranalli, G., 1995. Rheology of the Earth, 2nd ed. Chapman & Hall, London. Sadd. M., 2005.Elasticity theory, applications, and numerics. Elsevier. Sun, Ren Jen. 1969.Theoretical size of hydraulically induced horizontal fractures and corresponding surface uplift in an idealized medium. Journal of Geophysical Research 74.25 .5995-6011. Tilling, Robert I. 1989. Volcanic hazards and their mitigation: progress and problems. Reviews of Geophysics 27.2: 237-269. Tizzani, P., et al. 2015. Magma and fluid migration at Yellowstone Caldera in the last three decades inferred from InSAR, leveling, and gravity measurements.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 120.4: 2627-2647. 2-D Inversion of potential field data by MHODE method M.S. Chauhan 1 , M. Fedi 1 , M.K. Sen 2 1 University Federico II, Naples, Italy 2 Institute for Geophysics, UTIG, Texas, USA Summary. Multi-Homogeneity Depth Estimation (MHODE) is a multi-scale method to interpret inhomogeneous fields generated by multiple sources. MHODE involves inversion of a scaling function and not the field itself. Unlike the field, the scaling function does not depend on any physical parameter such as density and susceptibility. Here we report an application of MHODE to gravity data. The response of a 2-D complex shaped body is modeled using Talwani’s approach and is further extended to calculate the scaling function along the ridges. We tested this approach successfully on a synthetic gravity data and as well on a real dataset from Godavri basin in India. Introduction. There are several methods to estimate automatically the source parameters in potential field, such as Euler deconvolution (e.g., Thompson, 1982; Reid et al. , 1990), analytical signal (e.g., Nabighian, 1972), local wavenumber (e.g., Thurston and Smith, 1997), Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) (e.g., Moreau et al. , 1997; Fedi et al. , 2010), Depth from Extreme Point (DEXP) (Fedi, 2007) and the Multi-ridge Method (Fedi et al. , 2009). All