GNGTS 2016 - Atti del 35° Convegno Nazionale

596 GNGTS 2016 S essione 3.3 example, Accaino et al. , 2005). The domain to be inverted consists of the space between the two wells, therefore it extends 150 m in the horizontal direction and we only invert in the depth interval (0.8-1.3 km), considering therefore only 200 receivers A grid of 10x34 pixels is set, staggered in both directions twice; therefore 9 inversions are performed in total. For the forward ray-tracing CAT3D uses a minimum time algorithm The scheme can be summarized as follows; the initial guess is a straight line joining the source and receiver points. Fig. 2 – a) Gas saturation and gas pressure, b) 1 year after the onset of injection, c) p-wave, d) s-wave velocity and e) p- and f) s- quality factors as obtained with White’s mesoscopic model.