GNGTS 2016 - Atti del 35° Convegno Nazionale
GNGTS 2016 S essione A matrice 63 Fig. 3 – ERT 01 carried out at Pescara del Tronto. resonance peak at about 6.5 Hz, whereas AS2 site is characterised by a slight amplification in a broad frequency range (at about 2-4 Hz and 7-10Hz, this behaviour is more evident in the WE component). Last remarks. The results of geophysical investigations show that a very variable local effects are responsible of the seismic intensity amplification occurred in Pescara del Tronto. The building vulnerability surveyed carried out on the two villages defines possible significant differences between the building stocks but not suitable to determine the high difference in the observed damage levels. Then, although engineering, geological and geophysical studies are currently on-going, a high variability has been found in the site amplification of seismic intensity on the two villages. References Bonnefoy-Claudet S., Cornou C., Bard P.-Y., Cotton F., Moczo P., Kristek J. and Fäh D.; 2006: H/V ratios: a tool for site effects evaluation. Results from 1-D noise simulations . Geophys. J. Int., 167 , 827–837. Copernicus 2016, Galli P., Bosi V., Piscitelli S., Giocoli A. and Scionti V.; 2006: Late Holocene earthquakes in southern Apennines: paleoseismology of the Caggiano fault . Int J Earth Sci, 95 , 855–870. Giocoli A., Galli P., Giaccio B., Lapenna V., Messina P., Peronace E., Romano G. and Piscitelli S.; 2011: Electricalresistivitytomographyacross the Paganica-San Demetrio fault system (L’Aquila 2009 earthquake). Boll. Geof. Teor. Appl., 52(3) ,457–469. Loke M.H.; 2001: Tutorial: 2-D and 3-D electrical imaging surveys . Geotomo Software, Malaysia, pp. 127. Ohori M., Nobata A., Wakamatsu K., ; 2002: A comparison of ESAC and Fk methods of estimating phase velocity using arbitrarily shaped micritremor arrays. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 92 , 2323-2332 Okada H.; 2003: The Microtremor Survey Method. Geophysical Monograph Series, SEG, pp.129. Park C.B., Miller R.D. and Xia J.; 1999: Multichannel analysis of surface waves. Geophysics, 64 (3) . Parolai S., Richwalski S.M., Milkereit C. and Faeh D.; 2006: S-wave velocity profile for earthquake engineering purposes for the Cologne area (Germany). Bull. Earthq. Eng., 65-94, doi:10.1007/s10518-005-5758-2 SESAME Project. Guidelines for the implementation of the H/V spectral ratio technique on ambient vibrations. Measurements, processing and interpretation, WP12, deliverable no. D23.12, 2004, http://sesame-fp5.obs.ujf -
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