GNGTS 2016 - Atti del 35° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2016 S essione A matrice 67 lateral component. The ruptures mainly involve the debris slope deposits close to the limestone fault scarp. In a few localities, the ground cracks are distributed in the fault rocks. Small slip and shaking effects were also triggered along nearby synthetic and antithetic normal faults. The observed extent and orientation of surface displacements of the Mt. Vettore ruptures are consistent with the height of the fault scarps and throws of paleoearthquakes along faults in the area. References Bigi S., Casero P., Chiarabba C., Di Bucci D.; 2012: Contrasting surface active faults and deep seismogenic sources unveiled by the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake sequence (Italy) . Terra Nova, 25, 1, 21-29; doi: 10.1111/ter.12000 Boncio P., Lavecchia G., Milana G. and Rozzi B.; 2004: Seismogenesis in Central Apennines , Italy: an integrated analysis of minor earthquake sequences and structural data in the Amatrice-Campotosto area .Annals Geophysics, 47, 1723-1742. Chiaraluce L., Barchi M., Collettini C., Mirabella F. and Pucci S.; 2005: Connecting seismically active normal faults with Quaternary geological structures in a complex extensional environment: The Colfiorito case history (northern Apennines, Italy) . Tectonics, 24, doi:10.1029/2004TC001627. Cowie, P.A., Roberts, G.P.; 2001: Constraining slip rates and spacing for active normal faults . J. Struct. Geol. 23, 1901-1915. Galadini F. and Galli P.; 2003: Paleoseismology of silent faults in the Central Apennines (Italy): The Mt. Vettore and Laga Mts faults . Annals Geophysics, 46, 815-836. INGV (2016) - Secondo rapporto di sintesi sul Terremoto di Amatrice Ml 6.0 del 24 Agosto 2016 (Italia Centrale) , doi: 10.5281/zenodo.154400. Lavecchia G.; 1985: Il sovrascorrimento dei Monti Sibillini: analisi cinematica e strutturale . Boll. Soc. Geol.Italiana, 104, 161-194. Lavecchia G., Brozzetti F., Barchi M., Menichetti M. and Keller J.V.A.; 1994: Seismotectonic zoning in east-central Italy deduced from an analysis of the Neogene to present deformations and related stress fields . Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 106, 1107-1120. Lavecchia, G. F. Ferrarini, F. Brozzetti, R. De Nardis, P. Boncio, and L. Chiaraluce, 2012: From surface geology to aftershock analysis Constraints on the geometry of the L’Aquila 2009 seismogenic fault system. Ital. J. Geosci. (Boll. Soc. Geol. It.), 131 (3) , 330-347 Lowe D. G.; 1999: Object recognition from local scale invariant features. Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision, Corfu, p. 1150–1157. Menichetti M.; 1982: Il sovrascorrimento dei Monti Sibillini tra Monte Vettore e Forca Canapine. Tesi di laurea inedita, Università di Perugia, 132 pp. Menichetti M.; 1991: Sismogenesi e faglie dirette nell’area umbro-marchigiana. Atti 10° Convegno annuale del Gruppo Italiano di Geofisica della Terra solida, Roma, 79-89. Menichetti M., Piacentini D., Troiani F., Guidotti G. and NapolitanoA.; 2016: Remote sensing investigation techniques for the analysis of rocky slope stability in remote areas: a test from the Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico . Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It., 39, 113-116. Mildon Z.K., Roberts G.P., Faure Walker J.P., Wedmore L.N.J. and McCaffre K.J.W.; 2016: Active normal faulting during the 1997 seismic sequence in Colfiorito Umbria: Dip slip propagate to the surface? Journ. Struct. Geol., 91, 102-113. Pierantoni P.P., Deiana G. and Galdenzi S.; 2013: Stratigraphic and structural features of the Sibillini Mountains (Umbria-Marche Apennines, Italy) . Ital. J. Geosci., 132, 3, pp. 497-520. Pizzi A., and Galadini F.; 2009 : Pre-existing cross-structures and active fault segmentation in the northern-central Apennines (Italy). Tectonophysics 476 (1), 304-319.