GNGTS 2017 - 36° Convegno Nazionale
168 GNGTS 2017 S essione 1.2 A NEW SEISMOTECTONIC MODEL FOR THE FRIULI AREA M.E. Poli, A. Zanferrari Department of Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Animal Sciences, University of Udine, Italy Structural framework and seismicity. The Friuli region belongs to the NE edge of the Adria microplate that includes the thrust-belt of the eastern Southern Alps (ESA) with its foreland basin (i.e. the Veneto-Friuli Plain) at present sheared with the Northern Apennines, and the right lateral strike slip system of the western Slovenia (Fig. 1). Starting from the Mesozoic, the Friuli upper crust have been subjected to multiple tectonic phases, leading to the development of structures with variable orientations and kinematic histories and therefore variable potential for reactivation under the present stress conditions. The region is therefore affected by a complex fault-pattern, made up by the S-verging, about E–W trending imbricated thrusts of the Middle Miocene to Present eastern Southern Alps (that deformed and Fig. 1 - Tectonic sketch of the eastern Southern Alps in NE-Italy and W-Slovenia. CC’ trace of geological cross section of Fig. 2. Legend: AR: Arba-Ragogna thrust; BE: Bernadia th.; BU: Buia th.; BV: Bassano–Valdobbiadene th.; BFC: Borgo Faris–Cividale fault.; CA: Cansiglio th.; FS: Fella–Sava fault; GK: Gemona–Kobarid th.; HS: Hochstuhl fault; IA: Idrija–Ampezzo fault; MD: Medea th.; MT: Montello th.; PA: Palmanova th.; PE: Periadriatic th.; PL: Periadriatic Lineament; PM: Polcenigo-Montereale th.; PR: Predijama fault; PV: Pioverno fault; PZ: Pozzuolo th.; RA: Resiutta- Ponte Avons fault; RP: Raune–Paularo fault; RS: Raša fault; ST: Susans-Tricesimo th.; UB: Udine–Buttrio th.; VB: Valsugana-Val Bordaglia th.
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