GNGTS 2017 - 36° Convegno Nazionale
GNGTS 2017 S essione 1.2 171 P. H.; 1999: The “LARSE” Project - Working Toward a Safer Future for Los Angeles . U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 110-99, 2 pp., Monegato G. and Stefani C.; 2011: Preservation of a long-lived fluvial systemin a mountain chain: the Tagliamento Valley (Southeastern Italian Alps). In: Davidson, S.K., Leleu, S., North, C.P. (Eds.), From River to Rock Record: The Preservation of Fluvial Sediments and their Subsequent Interpretation. SEPM Spec. Publ. 97, pp. 359–374. Monegato G. and Poli M.E.; 2105: Tectonic and climatic inferences from the terrace staircase in the Meduna valley, eastern Southern Alps NE Italy . Quaternary Research, 83 , 229-242. Poli M.E., Zanferrari A., and G. Monegato; 2009: Geometria, cinematica e attività pliocenico-quaternaria del sistema di sovrascorrimenti Arba-Ragogna (Alpi Meridionali orientali, Italia NE) . Rendiconti online Soc. Geol. It., 5, 172-175. Rovida A., Locati M., Camassi R., Lolli B., Gasperini P. (eds); 2016: CPTI15, the 2015 version of the Parametric Catalogue of Italian Earthquakes. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia. doi : INGV.IT -CPTI15. Talamo R., Pampaloni M. and Grassi S.; 1978: Risultati delle misure di livellazione di alta precisione eseguite dall’Istituto Geografico Militare nelle zone del Friuli interessate dalle recenti attività sismiche. Boll. Geod. Sc. Aff., 1 , 6-75. Vrabec, M. and Fodor, L.; 2006: Late Cenozoic tectonics of Slovenia: structural styles at the Northeastern corner of the Adriatic microplate . In: Pinter, N., Grenerczy, G., Weber, J., Stein, S., Medak, D. (Eds.), “The Adria Microplate: GPS Geodesy, Tectonics and Hazards”, 151-168. Nato Science Series: IV: Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 61, Springer. Walker R., Jackson J., and C. Baker; 2003: Surface expression of thrust faulting in eastern Iran: source parameters and surface deformation of the 1978 Tabas and 1968 Ferdows earthquake sequences. Geophys. J. Int., 152 , 749- 765. ZanferrariA.,Avigliano R., Monegato G., Paiero, G., Poli M.E. and Stefani C.; 2008a: Geological map and explanatory notes of the Geological Map of Italy at the scale 1:50.000: Sheet 066 “Udine ”. APAT-Servizio Geologico d’Italia – Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, 176 pp. Zanferrari A., Masetti D., Monegato G. and Poli M.E.; 2013: Geological map and explanatory notes of the Geological Map of Italy at the scale 1:50.000: Sheet 049 “Gemona del Friuli”. ISPRA - Servizio Geologico d’Italia - Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, 262 pp. Seismic reflection study of the subsurface geology and seismogenic faults in the area interested by the 2016-2017 earthquake sequence (Central Italy) M. Porreca, G. Minelli, M. Ercoli, A. Brobia, P. Mancinelli, F. Cruciani, C. Giorgetti, A. Cannata, F. Mirabella, F. Carboni, C. Pauselli, M.R. Barchi Dipartimento di Fisica e Geologia, Università di Perugia (member of CRUST, Centro inteRUniversitario per l’analisi SismoTettonica tridimensionale con applicazioni territoriali) Introduction. On 24 August 2016, an earthquake of Mw 6.0 (Tinti et al. , 2016) struck a wide area of Central Italy, giving rise to a long seismic sequence, that included 9 earthquakes with Mw≥5 (Fig. 1). The Mw 6.0 earthquake caused heavy damage and resulted in about 300 fatalities and thousands of injured in the area of Amatrice town and surrounding villages (Galli et al. , 2016). After two months, on 30 October 2016, a Mw 6.5 earthquake nucleated at 8 km depth close to Norcia (Chiaraluce et al. , 2017), associated with impressive co-seismic ruptures along the Mt Vettore fault. The epicentral area affected by this long seismic sequence has a length of 60 km in the NNW-SSE direction (Fig. 1), in agreement with the focal mechanism of the mainshocks, suggesting the activation of complex NNW-SSE oriented normal fault system (Lavecchia et al. , 2016; Chiaraluce et al. , 2017; Pucci et al. , 2017). In particular, the hypocenter distribution allows to recognize three types of seismogenic structures: i) WSW-dipping master faults, also driving the onset and evolution of important Quaternary basins, such asAmatrice and Castelluccio basins; ii) antithetic (i.e. ENE dipping) normal faults, particularly evident in the Norcia-Mt. Vettore sector; and iii) a sub-horizontal (or gently east-dipping) cut-off seismicity layer, located between 10 and 12 km depths.
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