GNGTS 2017 - 36° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2017 S essione 2.1 227 The project hazard results and by-products shall trigger a common tsunami risk management strategy in the NEAM region and become a reference for future initiatives within the Global Tsunami Model ( ) organization. Acknowledgements The TSUMAPS-NEAM Project ( is co-financed by the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism, Agreement Number: ECHO/SUB/2015/718568/PREV26. References Davies G., Griffin J., Løvholt F., Glimsdal S., Harbitz C., Thio H.K., Lorito S., Basili R., Selva J., Geist E. and Baptista M.A.; 2017: A global probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment from earthquake sources. In: Scourse, E. M., Chapman, N. A., Tappin, D. R. & Wallis, S. R. (eds) Tsunamis: Geology, Hazards and Risks. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 456 , Glimsdal S., Løvholt F., Harbitz C., Orefice S., Romano F., Brizuela B., Lorito S., Hoechner A. and Babeko A.; 2017: Development of Local Amplification Factors in the NEAM Region for Production of Regional Tsunami Hazard Maps. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 19 , EGU2017-7657-1. Macías J., Castro M.J., Ortega S., Escalante C. and González-Vida J.M.; 2017: Performance Benchmarking of Tsunami-HySEA Model for NTHMP’s Inundation Mapping Activities. Pure Appl. Geophys., 174 , 3147–3183, doi: 10.1007/s00024-017-1583-1. Molinari I., Tonini R., Lorito S., Piatanesi A., Romano F., Melini D., Hoechner A., Gonzàlez-Vida J.M., Maciás J., Castro M.J. and de la Asunción M.; 2016: Fast evaluation of tsunami scenarios: uncertainty assessment for a Mediterranean Sea database, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 16 , 2593-2602, doi:10.5194/nhess16-2593-2016. Fig. 2 - Screenshots the TSUMAPS-NEAM website (upper left) and of the interactive hazard map and curve tool showing an example of hazard curve (upper right), a probability map (lower left), and a hazard map (lower right).