GNGTS 2017 - 36° Convegno Nazionale

236 GNGTS 2017 S essione 2.1 Riconoscimenti Le attività descritte in questo lavoro sono state svolte nell’ambito delle Attività per l’anno 2016, relative all’Allegato B dell’Accordo Quadro 2012-2021 DPC-INGV – “Convenzione B2”, Obiettivo 1, Task C. Personale INGV coinvolto: Daniela Pantosti, Fabrizio Galadini, Gianluca Valensise, Gabriele Tarabusi, Roberto Basili e DISS-WG. Elenco del personale ISPRA coinvolto per la banca dati ITHACA: Anna Maria Blumetti, Eutizio Vittori, Luca Guerrieri, Pio Di Manna, Valerio Comerci, Maria Pia Congi, Renato Ventura. Bibliografia Bonini, L., Basili R., Toscani G., Burrato P., Seno S. and Valensise G.; 2016: The effects of pre-existing discontinuities on the surface expression of normal faults: insights from wet-clay analog modeling . Tectonophysics, 684 , 157- 175, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2015.12.015. Bonini, L., Basili R., Toscani G., Burrato P., Seno S. and Valensise G.; 2015: The role of pre-existing discontinuities in the development of extensional faults: an analog modeling perspective . Journal of Structural Geology, 74 , 145- 158, doi: 10.1016/j.jsg.2015.03.004. Falcucci, E., Gori S., Moro M., Pisani A.R., Melini D., Galadini F. and Fredi P.; 2011: The 2009 L’Aquila earthquake (Italy): What’s next in the region? Hints from stress diffusion analysis and normal fault activity . Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 305 , 350-358, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2011.03.016. Gürpinar, A., Serva L., Livio F. and Rizzo P.C.; 2017: Earthquake-induced crustal deformation and consequences for fault displacement hazard analysis of nuclear power plants . Nuclear Engineering and Design, 311 , 69-85, doi: 10.1016/j.nucengdes.2016.11.007. Livio, F., Serva L. and Gürpinar A.; 2017: Locating distributed faulting: Contributions from InSAR imaging to Probabilistic Fault Displacement Hazard Analysis (PFDHA) . Quaternary International, 451 , 223-233, doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2016.09.034. Petersen, M.D., Dawson T.E., Chen R., Cao T., Wills C.J., Schwartz D.P. and Frankel A.D.; 2011: Fault displacement hazard for strike-slip faults . Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 101 , 2, 805–825, doi:10.1785/0120100035. Takao, M., Annaka T. and Kurita T.; 2013: Application of probabilistic fault displacement hazard analysis in Japan . Journal of Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering, 13 , 1, 17-36, doi:10.5610/jaee.13.17. Youngs, R.R., Arabasz W.J., Anderson R.E., Ramelli A.E., Ake J.P., Slemmons D.B., McCalpin J.P., Doser D.I., Fridrich C.J., Swan III F.H., Rogers A.M., Yount J.C., Anderson L.W., Smith K.D., Bruhn R.L., Knuepfer L.K., Smith R.B., dePolo C.M., O’Leary K.W., Coppersmith K.J., Pezzopane S.K., Schwartz D.P., Whitney J.W., Olig S.S. and Toro G.R; 2003: A methodology for probabilistic fault displacement hazard analysis (PFDHA) . Earth Spectra, 19 , 191-219, doi: 10.1193/1.1542891. Updated earthquake catalogue for South America suitable for PSHA: time window 1513-1963 A.A. Gómez-Capera 1 , M. Stucchi 2 , M. Arcila 3 , M. Bufaliza 4 , J. Choy 5 , E. Minaya 6 , L. Leyton 7 , M. Pirchiner 8 , H. Rendón 9 , L. Rodriguez 10 , A. Sarabia 3 , H. Tavera 11 , H. Yepes 12 1 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, sezione di Milano, Italy 2 Eucentre, Pavía, Italy 3 Servicio Geológico Colombiano, Bogotá, Colombia 4 Instituto Nacional de Prevención Sismica, San Juan, Argentina 5 Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Ciencias, Laboratorio de Geofísica, Mérida-Venezuela. 6 Observatorio de San Calixto, La Paz, Bolivia 7 Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile 8 Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil 9 FUNVISIS, Caracas, Venezuela 10 CERESIS, Lima, Perú 11 Instituto Geofísico del Perú, Lima, Perú 12 Instituto Geofísico de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito, Ecuador Introduction. On the frame of the hazard component of project SARA (The Seismic Risk in South America, ), the goal of task 4 was to compile an earthquake catalogue for South America in the time window 1500-1963, in terms of Mw building on the CERESIS available data, recent national and international catalogues and studies and analysis conducted during the project; the determination of parameters by recent studies, including those