GNGTS 2017 - 36° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2017 S essione 2.1 237 proposed by the ISC-GEM catalogue, and where available, the national catalogues that meet the criteria of transparency required by the project. In such a way we have been able to assess Mw for 2564 earthquakes; the lower threshold is Mw = 5[-0.2] for the Andean region. South America has a long tradition of intensive historical earthquake investigation. The Regional Centre for Seismology for South America (CERESIS) published a first continental scale earthquake catalogue and macroseismic database in 1985 (CERESIS, 1985). Investigation continued on a national basis, mostly with reference to large earthquakes. Recently, at the request of the insurance industry, the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) promoted the compilation of a new earthquake catalogue for South America, homogeneous as far as possible, in terms of Mw. Fig. 1 - Distribution of epicentres by data source.