GNGTS 2017 - 36° Convegno Nazionale

“ Because of the dispersion of seismological literature, geologists often overlook or ignore it. A recent paper on the geomorphology of a highly seismic region discusses rift valleys and faults, but ignores well-described faulting on two historical occasions, omits study of earthquake locations ... and ends with an airy generality to the effect that the frequent earthquakes show that block movements are still going on... ” (Richter, 1958, pag. 7). Bibliografia Basili R., Valensise G., Vannoli P., Burrato P., Fracassi U., Mariano S., Tiberti M., Boschi E.; 2008: The Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources (DISS), version 3: summarizing 20 years of research on Italy’s earthquake geology . Tectonophysics, 453 , 20-43, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2007.04.014. Basili R., e altri 27 autori; 2013: T he European Database of Seismogenic Faults (EDSF) compiled in the framework of the Project SHARE .; doi: 10.6092 /INGV.IT -SHARE-EDSF. DISS Working Group; 2007: Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources (DISS), Version 3.0.4: A compilation of potential sources for earthquakes larger than M 5.5 in Italy and surrounding areas . �� INGV 2007, doi: 10.6092 /INGV.IT -DISS3.0.4. DISS Working Group; 2015: Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources (DISS), Version 3.2.0: A compilation of potential sources for earthquakes larger than M 5.5 in Italy and surrounding areas . �� INGV 2015, doi: 10.6092 /INGV.IT -DISS3.2.0. Galadini F., Meletti C., Vittori E.; 2000: Stato delle conoscenze sulle faglie attive in Italia: elementi geologici di superficie . In: “Le ricerche del GNDT nel campo della pericolosità sismica (1996-1999)” CNR-Gruppo Nazionale Difesa dai Terremoti - Roma, 107-136. Haller K.M. e Basili R.; 2011: Developing seismogenic source models based on geologic fault data . Seismol. Res. Lett., 82 , 4, 519-525, doi: 10.1785/gssrl.82.4.519. Michetti A. M., Serva L., Vittori E.; 2000: ITHACA Italy Hazard from Capable Faults: a database of active faults of the Italian onshore territory . CD-Rom e note, ANPA, Roma (oggi consultabile all’indirizzo: http://www. ). Mulargia F. e Boschi E.; 1983: The 1908 Messina earthquake and related seismicity . In: Kanamori H. & Boschi E. (a cura di): Earthquakes: Observation, Theory and Interpretation - Proc. 85th E. Fermi Summer School in Geophysics, Varenna, 29 June-9 July 1982. North-Holland Publ. Company, 493-518. Pantosti D., e Valensise G.; 1990: Faulting mechanism and complexity of the 23 November 1980, Campania-Lucania earthquake, inferred from surface observations . J. of Geophys. Res., 95 , 15319-15341. Richter C. F.; 1958: Elementary seismology. Freeman & Co. ���������� ��� ���������� ��� ��� (editore), San Francisco, 768 pp. Serva L., Blumetti A. M., Michetti A. M.; 1986: Gli effetti sul terreno del terremoto del Fucino (13 gennaio 1915); tentativo di interpretazione della evoluzione tettonica recente di alcune strutture . Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 35 , 893- 907. Valensise G. e Pantosti, D. (a cura di); 2001: Database of Potential Sources for Earthquakes Larger than M 5.5 in Italy (DISS version 2.0) . Ann. Geofis. 44 , Suppl. 1, con CD-ROM , doi: 10.4401/ag-3562. Valensise G. e Pantosti D.; 2001: The investigation of potential earthquake sources in peninsular Italy: a review , J. Seismol., 5 , 287-306. Westaway R., e Jackson J. A.; 1984: Surface faulting in the southern Italian Campania-Basilicata earthquake of 23 November 1980 . Nature, 312 , 436-438. GNGTS 2017 L ectiones M agistrales XXXI