GNGTS 2017 - 36° Convegno Nazionale

336 GNGTS 2017 S essione 2.2 Youngs R.R., Arabasz W.J., Anderson R.E., Ramelli A.R., Ake J.P., Slemmons D.B., McCalpin J.P., Doser D.I., Fri- drich C.J., Swan III F.H., Rogers A.M., Yount J.C., Anderson L.W., Smith K.D., Bruhn R.L., Knuepfer P.L.K., Smith R.B., dePolo C.M.,.O’Leary D.W, Coppersmith K.J., Pezzopane S.K., Schwartz D.P., Whitney J.W., Olig S.S., and Toro G.R.; 2003: A methodology for probabilistic fault displacement hazard analysis (PFDHA) . Earthq. Spectra, 19 , 191–219. Zhou Q., Xu X., Yu G., Chen X., He H. and Yin G.; 2010: Width Distribution of the Surface Ruptures Associated with the Wenchuan Earthquake: Implication for the Setback Zone of the Seismogenic Faults in Post-earthquake Reconstruction . Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 100 , 2660-2668, doi: 10.1785/0120090293. The december 29th 2013 Matese (Southern Italy), MW=5, earthquake: evidence for local site effects contribution to damage V. Convertito 1 , E. Cubellis 1 , D. Galluzzo 1 , F. Obrizzo 1 , S.M. Petrazzuoli 2 1 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione di Napoli - Osservatorio Vesuviano, Italy 2 Esperto di ingegneria sismica, Collaboratore INGV (sezione di Napoli, Osservatorio Vesuviano), Italy Introduction. The Matese massif extending between the provinces of Isernia, Caserta and Benevento, is a portion of the South-Central Apennines that are characterized by a high seismic hazard level. The seismic potential of the Matese seismogenetic area has also been recognized in several studies of seismic events occurred in historical times. The 1349, 1456, 1688 and 1805 earthquakes with magnitude evaluated around 7 and the related huge number of casualties, testify how frequent and hazardous are the seismic events occurring in the area. In recent years, except for isolated low energy events (magnitude about 3) and the 1997-98 seismic sequence with M <4.2, no particular phenomena have occurred. In this context, the 29 December2013,M W 5(Imax VI-VII MCS) earthquake (Convertito et al. , 2014, 2016; De Gori et al. , 2014; Ferranti et al. , 2015), could thus represent an important test to analyse what could be future scenarios in terms of expected damage. From the analysis of the survey performed just after the seismic event and in the next months, a strongly differentiated damage among the edifices, located at small inter-distances, have been observed. This observation leads us to investigate the origin of such differentiation. To this aim, we have analysedstructuraltypology of the edifices showing Fig. 1 - Map of the municipalities where the macroseismic survey has been done. The dashed lines enclose the areas where a VI MCS degree has been assigned. The red star indicates the epicenter of the 29 December 2013, MW 5, earthquake.