GNGTS 2017 - 36° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2017 S essione 2.2 357 Bibliografia CS.LL.PP . (2008) DM 14 Gennaio, Norme tecniche per le costruzioni. Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana 29. Iervolino I., Galasso C., Paolucci R., Pacor F. (2011), Engineering ground motion record selection in the ITalian ACcelerometric Archive. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 9(6):1761-1778. DOI: 10.1007/s10518-011-9300- 4 Montaldo V, Meletti C, Martinelli F, Stucchi M, Locati M (2007) On-line seismic hazard data for the new italian building code. J Earthq Eng 11(S1):119–132. The guidelines for surface wave analysis of the Interpacific project S. Foti 1 , F. Hollender 2 , F. Garofalo 1 , D. Albarello 3 , M. Asten 4 , P.Y. Bard 5 , C. Comina 6 , C. Cornou 5 , B.R. Cox 7 , G. Di Giulio 8 , T. Forbriger 9 , K. Hayashi 10 , E. Lunedei 3 , A. Martin 11 , D. Mercerat 12 , M. Ohrnberger 13 , V. Poggi 14 , F. Renalier 15 , D. Sicilia 16 , L.V. Socco 17 1 DISEG, Politecnico di Torino, Italy 2 CEA, DEN, St Paul lez Durance, France 3 DSFTA, University of Siena, Italy 4 Monash University, Melbourne Australia 5 ISTerre/IFSTTAR, Grenoble, France 6 DIST, University of Torino, Italy 7 University of Texas at Austin, Texas, USA 8 INGV, Rome, Italy 9 BFO, Wolfach, Germany 10 Geometrics, San Jose, California, USA 11 Geovision, Corona, California, USA 12 CEREMA, Nice, France 13 University of Potsdam, Germany 14 GEM, Pavia, Italy 15 Geophy consult, Chambéry, France 16 CEIDRE, EdF, Paris, France 17 DIATI, Politecnico di Torino, Italy Introduction. Surface wave methods gained in the last decade a large role in site characterization projects, especially for seismic site response studies. Specifically they are often used to retrieve a 1D shear wave velocity model or to estimate the V S,30 at a site. Their popularity is mainly due to the possibility of collecting the necessary field data with relatively fast and inexpensive procedures. However the complex processing and interpretation process and the possibility of using a wide variety of options for the implementation make it difficult to establish a standard procedure. Recently, a set of guidelines for surface wave analysis has been published by the Authors to provide practical information on the acquisition and analysis of surface wave data, also giving some basic principles and specific suggestions related to the most common situations (Foti et al. , 2017). The guidelines are primarily targeted to non-expert users approaching surface wave testing, but they can be useful to specialists in the field as a general reference. Moreover, they provide a common reference to establish the necessary dialogue between the service provider and the end-user of the results. The guidelines are based on the experience gained within the InterPACIFIC project and on the expertise of the participants in acquisition and analysis of surface wave data. Background. The InterPACIFIC (Intercomparison of methods for site parameter and velocity profile characterization) project was aimed, among other objectives, at the comparison