GNGTS 2017 - 36° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2017 S essione 2.2 435 and Lacco Ameno, is that rather modest magnitude estimates (maximum Mw is 4.3) correspond to very high and destructive macroseismic intensity effects (X MCS in 1883 in Casamicciola, Guidoboni et al., 2007). This paper is aimed to study the possible site amplification in the areas heavily affected by the August 21 earthquake in order to better understand the causes of these macroseismic effects and high damage levels already observed in the past. Dataset and methodology. After the MD 4.0 earthquake hit Casamicciola on August 21, four seismic stations of the mobile network (T1361, T1362, T1363 and T1364) were installed on the island in addition to the four stations of the permanent network (CAI, IFOR, IMTC and IOCA). All the mobile network stations acquire locally and are equipped with short period sensors and one accelerometer, whereas permanent network stations, equipped with broad Fig. 1 - Geological map of Ischia Island. The red dotted line indicates, presumably, the Mt. Epomeo Green Tuff Caldera (modified after de Vita et al., 2010 and Della Seta et al., 2012). The white triangles indicate the seismic stations. The white star is the epicentre of the MD 4.0 earthquake.