GNGTS 2017 - 36° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2017 S essione 2.3 451 Statistical information on existing coastal residential buildings has been retrieved from census database of the “ National Institute of Statistics ” ( ISTAT ), considering inundation areas that have been identified by using a DTM. In the next months, several forces based pushover analyses will be performed on building models that are representative of the building stock along the Italian coast (that can be reasonably assumed being similar to other Mediterranean areas). Focusing on structural and non-structural components, such parametric analyses will identify critical parameters for the formation of global or local collapse mechanisms, finally yielding to the definition of fragility curves. The definition of (tsunami) vulnerability classes will be strictly related to the available information to fit the reduced knowledge level on the building stock. The final goal is the definition of damage and loss scenarios due to specific tsunami waves. This will allow for a comprehensive evaluation of tsunamis effects, based on a strict and fruitful cooperation with other partners of the project (see Di Bucci et al. , this volume), which are providing the parameters characterizing the tsunami waves that have to be considered. Acknowledgments The contents of this paper represent the Authors’ ideas and do not necessarily correspond to the official opinion and policies of the Italian Ministry of Economic Development and the National Department of Civil Protection of Italy. References ASCE 7- 16; 2017: Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures. American Society of Civil Engineering ASCE. Chock G.; 2012: ASCE/JSCE Tohoku Investigation of Structural Damage and Development of the ASCE 7 Tsunami Design Code for Buildings and Other Structures . Asce/Jsce, pp. 184–190. Di Bucci D., Antoncecchi I., Ciccone F., Teofilo G., Terlizzese F., Argnani A., Ligi M., Rovere M., Basili R., Coltelli M., LoritoS., Borzi B., Germagnoli F., Di Ludovico M., Lignola G. P., Prota A.; 2017: Sismicità Potenzialmente innescabile Offshore e Tsunami (progetto SPOT): un primo approccio all’analisi del possibile impatto delle piattaforme a olio e gas sul rischio sismico e da tsunami lungo le coste italiane . This volume. FEMA P-646 ; 2012: Guidelines for Design of Structures for Vertical Evacuation from Tsunamis. Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMA. Mallawaarachchi R. S. and Jayasinghe C.; 2008: The effects of cyclones, tsunami and earthquakes on built environments and strategies for reduced damage . J. Natl. Sci. Found, Sri Lanka, 36 Petrone C., Rossetto T. and Goda K.; 2017: Fragility assessment of a RC structure under tsunami actions via nonlinear static and dynamic analyses . Eng. Struct., 136 , pp. 36–53. SDRTEB; 2011: Structural design requirement on the tsunami evacuation buildings . by Fukuyama H., Kato H., Ishihara T., Tajiri S., Tani M.,Okuda Y., Kabeyasawa T. and Nakano Y. Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism MLIT. Prototipazione e validazione di sensori accelerometrici MEMS per monitoraggio strutturale E. Bergamo 1 , C. Bedon 2 , S. Noé 2 1 Libero Professionista, Jesolo (VE) 2 Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Architettura, Università di Trieste Introduzione e obiettivi. Le opere di ingegneria civile, durante il loro periodo di esercizio, sono soggette ad azioni dinamiche la cui entità viene stimata - in fase di progetto - sulla base di valutazioni probabilistiche. Solo per opere di una certa rilevanza è previsto un collaudo atto a valutarne con accuratezza il comportamento strutturale, e solo un numero limitato di queste potrà disporre in esercizio di un sistema di monitoraggio continuo. Le informazioni raccolte dai sistemi di monitoraggio strutturale, in tal senso, hanno fondamentale importanza per l’intervento