GNGTS 2017 - 36° Convegno Nazionale
466 GNGTS 2017 S essione 2.3 usability rating E were obviously never re- inspected. From the data collected filling the AeDES forms, the usability rating (A and B or C usability rating) was confirmed for 296 school structures (70% of the subset) after the October seismic event, while 127 structures (30% of the subset) changed usability rating [Fig. 2]. In particular, 88 and 17 usable (A rating) buildings after August 24 shock turned B/C or E rating after October event, respectively. Furthermore, 22 unusable but usable only after short-term countermeasures or partially usable (rating B/C) school buildings, turned E rating after October earthquake event. Fig. 3a collects the points that represent the school structures for which the Fig. 1 - Spatial distribution of school dataset and MCS instrumental intensity shake maps: a, b) M=6.0 August 24; c, d) M=6.5 October 30. Fig. 2 - Usability rating for school structures inspected both after the August and the October event.
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