GNGTS 2017 - 36° Convegno Nazionale
GNGTS 2017 S essione 2.3 467 Fig. 3 - Usability rating of buildings inspected after August 24 and October 30 seismic event: school structures with unchanged usability rating (a), school structures with changed usability rating (b). usability rating was confirmed after the October seismic events (A and B or C usability rating), as a function of the recorded peak ground acceleration (PGA) of the two main events. Fig. 3b reports structures for which a cumulative damage caused by the sequence of events was detected (i.e. usability ratings fromA to B or C, A to E, or B or C to E). The points belonging to the black dash-dot line represents school structures located in areas affected by the same PGA in the August 24 and October 30 event. The points in the areas between black and blue (or black and red) dash-dot line represent school structures located in areas where the PGA recorded in the October seismic event was higher than that of August by a factor between 1-2 (or 2-3). It is worth noting that over 95% of school buildings that were subjected to repeated inspection are located in areas with recorded PGA lower than 0.15 g. Fig. 3a shows that for 296 school structures the usability rating was confirmed even if the recorded seismic intensity level mostly increases (in several cases also by a factor ranging between 2 and 3). Fig. 3b shows the damage accumulation, expressed in terms of usability rating, for the remaining 127 school structures. It clearly appears that 7 structures that experienced a PGA in October lower than that recorded in August become unusable due to cumulated damage. These simple statistical analyses show the great information content in the database of the inspected school buildings. Further parameters will be considered, like age, number of stories, structural type, in order to get a more in-depth understanding of the seismic behaviour of these buildings. References Baggio C., Bernardini A., Colozza R., Coppari S., Corazza L., Della Bella M., Di Pasquale G., Dolce M., Goretti A., Martinelli A., Orsini G., Papa F. and Zuccaro G.; 2007a: Field manual for post-earthquake damage and safety assessment and short term countermeasures (AeDES). Decreto del Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri 05.05.2011, Dipartimento della Protezione Civile, Roma, Italia, 112 pp., in Italian. Baggio C., Bernardini A., Colozza R., Corazza L., Della Bella M., Di Pasquale G., Dolce M., Goretti A., Martinelli A., Orsini G., Papa F. and Zuccaro G.; 2007b: Manuale per la compilazione della scheda di 1° livello di rilevamento danno, pronto intervento e agibilità per edifici ordinari nell’emergenza post-sismica (AeDES). Decreto del Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri 05.05.2011, Dipartimento della Protezione Civile, Roma, Italia, 112 pp., in Italian. Decreto del Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri, 2011. D.P.C.M. 05-05-2011: Approvazione del modello per il rilevamento dei danni, pronto intervento e agibilità per edifici ordinari nell’emergenza post-sismica e del relativo manuale di compilazione, in Italian. Di Ludovico M., Prota A., Masi A. and Manfredi G.; 2012: Sisma in Emilia Romagna: l’attività di ReLUIS. Progettazione Sismica, 4 , 31-36, in Italian. Di LudovicoM., ProtaA., Moroni C., Manfredi G. and DolceM.; 2017a: Reconstruction process of damaged residential buildings outside historical centres after the L’Aquila earthquake: part I - “light damage” reconstruction . Bull. Earthquake Eng., 15 , 667-692, doi:10.1007/s10518-016-9877-8.
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