GNGTS 2017 - 36° Convegno Nazionale
504 GNGTS 2017 S essione 2.3 easy to achieve. However, they also stress that for more demanding retrofitting, the help of a professional is recommended. Finally, they have both been designed to be handy, thus printed versions are made available to be directly distributed to the public. Portfolio of Solutions for NSC risk mitigation. Professionals are responsible for implementation of retrofit measures to reduce non-structural vulnerability.We provide a Portfolio of Solutions for them. KnowRISK Portfolio of Solutions is a comprehensive publication, which identifies potential earthquake hazards associated with non-structural elements of residential buildings, workplaces or schools and further provides detailed instructions and guidelines for mitigating those hazards, considering the stakeholder groups perspective. Different stakeholder groups characteristically have different motivations and criteria (e.g., investment risk, operational risks, and market risks) for decisions relative to catastrophic hazard mitigation. The KnowRISK Portfolio chooses two groups of stakeholders: “Owners and Facility Managers” and “Homeowners”. The Owners and Facility Managers are responsible for enabling efficient and effective use of buildings (architects, engineers and contractors). Conclusions. Prevention is built upon research, technological improvements, but has lots to do with communication. This can be achieved only if access to experts’ knowledge, that will also trigger awareness of associated risks and benefits, is facilitated. KnowRISK promoted prevention establishing a communication strategy that stood on a solid research background. A specific item, yet widely underestimated and neglected, concerning prevention was addressed, namely NSC vulnerability reduction. The KnowRISK approach to risk communication of NSC vulnerability has some peculiarities with respect to similar initiatives. First, the audience is very wide, ranging from youth to adults, common citizens, and professionals, non-experts to experts, conversely to what often happens since in most cases the target is precisely identified and limited to certain age / skills / a b Fig. 1 - Practical Guide addressing the most NSC risk mitigation actions, that common citizen should implement. It is foldable leaflet (6 folds): inside part (a), outside page (b) of the leaflet.
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