GNGTS 2017 - 36° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2017 S essione 3.1 531 petrophysical properties and better delineated sand bodies when compared to the LUBI method. To better asses the increased reliability and the lower uncertainties that characterize the results yielded by the proposed algorithm, we perform a blind test. In particular, we use 6 out of the 7 available wells to derive the a priori information needed to build the a priori, the Fig. 1 - From left to right: 2D maps representing the MAP solution of water saturation, porosity, and shaliness, respectively, estimated along the top reflection of the investigated reservoir by the laterally unconstrained Bayesian inversion. Fig. 2 - From left to right: 2D maps representing the MAP solution of water saturation, porosity, and shaliness, respectively, estimated along the top reflection of the investigated reservoir by the implemented seismic-petrophysical inversion with geostatistical and hard data constraints. The black dots identify the spatial location of the blind well.