GNGTS 2017 - 36° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2017 S essione 3.1 537 2D gradient has been used to define the local orientation of the geological structure as expressed by the operators R par and R perp . Fig. 2 shows the estimated petrophysical properties along the interpreted top of the reservoir when a laterally unconstrained inversion (LUI) is applied. In this case theAVAresponse extracted from each data gather is inverted separately. Note the scattering visible in the estimated 2D maps of petrophysical properties that can be ascribed to noise contaminating the observed data. Fig. 3 displays the results yielded by the proposed SCI approach. By comparing Fig. 2 with Fig. 3 we can appreciate that the implemented SCI algorithm produces a low-noise images Fig. 2 - From left to right: 2D maps of water saturation, porosity, and shaliness, respectively, estimated along the top of the investigated reservoir by the laterally unconstrained inversion. Fig. 3 - From left to right, 2D maps of water saturation, porosity, and shaliness, respectively, estimated along the top of the investigated reservoir by the structurally constrained inversion.