GNGTS 2017 - 36° Convegno Nazionale

538 GNGTS 2017 S essione 3.1 with more laterally continuous petrophysical properties and better delineated sand bodies when compared to the LUI results. Conclusions. We developed a seismic-petrophysical inversion algorithm that incorporates structural information into the inversion kernel with the aim to promote the spatial continuity of the estimated petrophysical properties. The structural regularization terms are easy to construct as they can be based on direct analysis of post-stack seismic image. This image is exploited to estimate the local spatial orientation of geological features that is incorporated into the two regularization operators. These operators are locally aligned parallel and perpendicular to the geological structures. The application to on-shore seismic data demonstrates that the proposed approach can suppress the noise and the scattering in the estimated 2D maps of petrophysical properties with respect to the laterally unconstrained seismic-petrophysical inversion. Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank Edison for making the well log data and the seismic data available and for the permission to publish this paper. References Aki, K., and Richards, P. G. 1980: Quantative seismology: Theory and methods. New York, 801. Aleardi, M., Ciabarri, F., Peruzzo, F., Garcea, B., and Mazzotti, A. 2016: Bayesian estimation of reservoir properties by means of wide-angle AVA inversion and a petrophysical Zoeppritz Equation. In 78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2016. Doi: 10.3997/2214-4609.201601551. Aleardi, M., and Ciabarri, F. 2017: Assessment of different approaches to rock-physics modeling: A case study from offshore Nile Delta. Geophysics, 82(1), MR15-MR25. Bongajum, E. L., Boisvert, J., and Sacchi, M. D. 2013: Bayesian linearized seismic inversion with locally varying spatial anisotropy. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 88, 31-41. Buland, A., Kolbjørnsen, O., & Omre, H. 2003: Rapid spatially coupled AVO inversion in the Fourier domain. Geophysics, 68(3), 824-836. Tetyukhina, D., van Vliet, L. J., Luthi, S. M., and Wapenaar, K. 2010: High-resolution reservoir characterization by an acoustic impedance inversion of a Tertiary deltaic clinoform system in the North Sea. Geophysics. Zunino, A., Mosegaard, K., Lange, K., Melnikova, Y., and Mejer Hansen, T. 2014: Monte Carlo reservoir analysis combining seismic reflection data and informed priors. Geophysics, 80(1), R31-R41. INTERPRETATION OF SEISMIC PROFILES IN WESTERN-MEDITERRANEAN SEA M. Bellucci 1 , A. Del Ben 1 , R. Geletti 2 , E. Forlin 2 , M. Rabineau 3 , E. Leroux 3,4,5 , D. Aslanian 4 , R. Pellen 2,3 1 Dip. Matematica e Geoscienze, University of Trieste, Italy 2 OGS, Borgo Grotta Gigante-Sgonico, Trieste, Italy 3 CNRS, Domaines Océaniques, IUEM, Plouzané, France 4 IFREMER, Centre de Brest, GM, Plouzané, France 5 UPMC, Univ. Paris 06, ISTEP, Paris, France Introduction. The conjugate margins systems of the Gulf of Lion and west Sardinia is natural laboratories to address fundamental questions about rifting. In particular, the detailed analysis of Messinian evaporites could be useful to understand many doubtful aspects of this event and to provide several evidence on the shallow and deep crustal nature of the Sardo- Provençal Basin. In this work, an integrated seismic dataset (Fig. 1) has been interpreted within a collaboration of Institution located in Italy and French within a Erasmus Traineeship 2016/2017 of the first author. The Italian group is composed by Dipartimento di Matematica e Geoscienze dell’Università di Trieste (DMG) and the Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS); the French group includes l’Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer (IUEM) and l’Institut Français de Recherche pour l’Exploitation de la Mer (IFREMER).