GNGTS 2017 - 36° Convegno Nazionale

542 GNGTS 2017 S essione 3.1 developed mainly during the Lower Pliocene, but continues until Present, as testified by some structures that deform the sea level. Integration of different seismic datasets allowed identification of the probable presence of a halite layer within the UU. The boundaries between the different domains described in literature by Moulin et al. (2016) and Afhilado et al. (2016) correspond to those between the typology of salt domes. The morphology of the salt structures could be related to the nature of the crust, probably also due to different thermal conditions of the basement. The interpretation of several seismic profiles has highlighted some differences between the Gulf of Lion and Sardinian margin: the biggest thickness of the Plio-Quaternary sequence in the French margin, related to the rivers entry, is probably the main component which origins the different distribution and size of salt domes. References Afilhado A., Moulin M. et al. , (2015). Deep crustal structure across a young passive margin from wide-angle and reflection seismic data (The SARDINIA Experiment) – II. Sardinia�� ������� �������� �� �� ������� ���������� ’s margin. Bulletin de la Sociét ��������� é �Géologique de France, 4-5, 331-351. Aslanian D., Moulin M., Schnurle P., Klingelhoefer F., Leroux E., Rabineau M., Gailler A., Bache F., Gorini C., Kuroda J., Eguchi N., Droxler A., Alain K., Roure F. & Haq B. (2012). ��������� ��� ��������� �� ��� ���� �� Structure and evolution of the Gulf of Lion: the Sardinia seismic experiment and the gold (Gulf of Lion drilling) project. The Leading Edge, 786-792. Bache F., Olivet J.-L., Gorini C., Aslanian D., Labails C. & Rabineau M. (2010). Evolution of rifted continental margins: The case of the Gulf of Lions (western Mediterranean basin). Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 292, 345-356. Bache F., Popescu S.M., Rabineau M., Gorini C., Suc J.-P., Clauzon G., Olivet J.-L., Rubino J.-L., Melinte-Dobrinescu M.C., Estrada F., Londeix L., Armijo R., Meyer B., Jolivet L., Jouannic G., Leroux E., Aslanian D., Baztan J., Dos Reis A.T., Mocochain L., Dumurdzanov N., Zagorchev I., Lesic V., Tomic D., Cagatay M.N., Brun J.-P., Sokoutis D., Csato I., Ucarkus G. & Cakir Z. (2012). A two-step process for the reflooding of the Mediterranean after the Messinian salinity crisis. Basin Res., 23, 1-29. Carminati E., Lustrino M., Cuffaro M., Doglioni C. (2010). Tectonics, magmatism and geodynamic of Italy: what we know and what we imagine. ISSN 1441-8142 In: Beltrando M., Peccerillo A., Mattei M., Conticelli S., Doglioni C. (Eds.), Electronic Edition. The Geology of Italy, Journal of the Virtual Explorer, 36. doi:10.3809/ jvirtex.2010.00226.paper 8.Gautier F., Clauzon G., Suc J.P., Cravatte J. and Violanti D. (1994). ��� �� ����� �� �� Age et durée de la crise de salinité messinienne. CR Acad. Sc. ������ � ������ ���������� Paris, 2 (318): 1103-1109. Geletti R., Zgur F., Del Ben A., Buriola F., Sais S., Fedi M., Forte E., Mocnik A., Paoletti V., Pipan M., Ramella R., Romeo R., Romi A. (2014). The Messinian Salinity Crisis: New seismic evidence in the West-Sardinian Margin and Eastern Sardo-Provencal basin (West Mediterranean Sea). Marine Geology 351, 76-90. Hsu K.J., Cita M.B., Ryan W.B.F., (1973). The origin of the Mediterranean evaporites. In: Ryan W.B.F., Hsu K.J. et al. (Eds.), Initial Rep. Deep Sea Drill. Prog, vol. 13. U.S. Govt. Printing Office, Washington, DC, pp. 1203-1231. Le Douaran S., Burrus J. & Avedik F. (1984). Deep structure of the northwestern Mediterranean basin: results of a two-ship seismic survey. Mar. Geol., 55, 325-345. Lofi J., D��������� ��� �������� ��� ������ ��� ������ ��� ������� ��� ������ ��� �������� ��� ���� ��� ������ ��� ������� éverchè�� ��� �� re J., Gaullier V., Gillet H., Gorini C., Guennoc P., Loncke L., Maillard A., Sage F., Thinon I., (2011). Atlas of the Messinian seismic markers in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Memoir Société Geologique de France n.s. 179 and World Geological Map Commission (72 pp.). Moulin M., Klingelhoefer F. et al. (2015). Deep crustal structure across a young passive margin from wide-angle and reflection seismic data (The SARDINIA Experiment) – I. Gulf of Lion’s margin. �������� �� �� ������� Bulletin de la Société G��������� �� ������� ���� �������� éologique de France, 4-5, 309-330. Rehault J.P., Boillot G., Mauffret A. (1984). The Western Mediterranean Basin geological evolution. Mar. Geol., 55: 447-477. Speranza F., Villa I.M., Sagnotti L., Florindo F., Cosentino D., Cipollari P., Mattei M. (2002). Age of the Corsica- Sardinia rotation and Liguro-Provençal Basin spreading: new paleomagnetic and Ar/Ar evidence. Tectonophysics 347, 231-251.