GNGTS 2017 - 36° Convegno Nazionale

556 GNGTS 2017 S essione 3.1 References Aleardi, M., and Ciabarri, F. 2017: Application of different classification methods for litho-fluid facies prediction: A case study from offshore Nile Delta. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 14, 1087 Aleardi, M., Tognarelli, A., and Mazzotti, A. 2016: Characterisation of shallowmarine sediments using high-resolution velocity analysis and genetic-algorithm-driven 1D elastic full-waveform inversion. Near Surface Geophysics, 14(5), 449-460. Bunks, C., Saleck, F. M., Zaleski, S., and Chavent, G. 1995: Multiscale seismic waveform inversion. Geophysics, 60(5), 1457-1473. Martin, G. S., Wiley, R., and Marfurt, K. J. 2006: Marmousi-2: An elastic upgrade for Marmousi. The Leading Edge, 25, 156-166. Morgan, J., Warner, M., Bell, R., Ashley, J., Barnes, D., Little, R., Roele, K., and Jones, C. 2013: Next-generation seismic experiments: wide-angle, multi-azimuth, three-dimensional, full-waveform inversion. Geophysical Journal International, 195(3), 1657-1678. Operto, S., Gholami, Y., Prieux, V., Ribodetti, A., Brossier, R., Metivier, L., and Virieux, J. 2013: A guided tour of multiparameter full-waveform inversion with multicomponent data: From theory to practice. The Leading Edge, 32(9), 1040-1054. Prieux, V., Brossier, R., Operto, S., and Virieux, J. 2013: Multiparameter full waveform inversion of multicomponent ocean-bottom-cable data from the Valhall field. Part 2: Imaging compressive-wave and shear-wave velocities. Geophysical Journal International, 194(3), 1665-1681. Sajeva, A., Aleardi, M., Stucchi, E., Bienati, N., and Mazzotti, A. 2016: Estimation of acoustic macro models using a genetic full-waveform inversion: Applications to the Marmousi model. Geophysics, ������ ���������� 81(4), R173-R184. Sears, T. J., Barton, P. J., and Singh, S. C. 2010: Elastic full waveform inversion of multicomponent ocean-bottom cable seismic data: Application to Alba Field, UK North Sea. Geophysics, 75(6), R109-R119. Tarantola, A. 1984: Inversion of seismic reflection data in the acoustic approximation. Geophysics, 49(8), 1259- 1266. Vigh, D., Jiao, K., Watts, D., and Sun, D. 2014: Elastic full-waveform inversion application using multicomponent measurements of seismic data collection. Geophysics, 79(2), R63-R77. Gravimetry and petrophysics of the Chad basin area: determining the depth of the basement and implication for defining a scientific drilling site (ICDP-CHADRILL project) F. Maddaloni 1 , C. Braitenberg 1 , A. De Min 1 , M. Schuster 2 , T. Pivetta 1 , F. Morsut 1 1 Dept. of Mathematics and Geosciences, University of Trieste, Italy 2 Institute de Physique du Globe de Strasbourg, University of Strasbourg, France Introduction. The purpose of this work is to investigate the basement depth under the Chad Lake using the inversion of gravity residual data obtained by the regression analysis between gravity and topography data. It has been carried on with a collaboration between the University of Trieste and the Institut de Physique du Globe de Strasbourg (IPGS) of Strasburg in order to contribute to the decision of the location of a ICDP drilling site. This project consists in a compared analysis between gravity data with other geological/geophysical data and their interpretation in terms of tectonic features composing the Chad Basin. The Chad basin is one of the largest endorheic basin of the world (2.5 million of km 2 ) and intracratonic sag-basin located in the north Central Africa, located between 8°-24° N and 6°- 24° E, covering 8% of the surface area of the African continent, straddling Algeria, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Republic of Chad, Niger, Nigeria and Sudan. The detailed geology of the area remains still poorly known. Gravity studies in the Chad Basin started in 1959 at the ORSTOM (Office de la Recherche Scientifique and Technique d’Outre-Mer), nowadays known as IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement). Afterwards, several geological and geophysical studies were carried out in the framework of the project “ Contribution géophysique a la connaissance geologique du basin du Lac Tchad” by P. Louis, 1970. More recently, in