GNGTS 2017 - 36° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2017 S essione 3.1 563 5. the Caltanissetta crustal scale syncline developed starting from a first inversion at the edge of the Hyblean Plateau, which occurred before a large-scale Neogene overthrust. Rigid bodies of the foreland plate, the western platforms, and eastern Hyblean Plateau delimited the Central Sicily Basin and accompanied a major tectonic transport with a huge anticline and a wide synform, guiding the progression of the frontal shape of the fold&thrust belt; 6. sequential south-verging imbrications of deep crustal elements represent a crustal wedge indenting the foreland structures. Accumulation of allochthonous terrains inside the trough, with ��������� ��� ����������������� �������� �������� ��� ����� ���������� southeast and northwest-verging thrusts, followed the above geodynamic evolution; 7. a preferred detachment of allochthons seems located within Permian clastics and carbonates or Middle Triassic marls, at the top of a thinned crust corresponding to the presence of a deep-rifted basin or zone of continent to oceanic transition (Figs. 1 and 2) nearby the base of the trough. Acknowledgements SIRIPRO (SIsmica a RIflessione PROfonda, Deep reflection seismic exploration) is a collaborative Italian Project co-financed by MIUR, Italian Research Minister. We acknowledge the CINECA award under the ISCRA ���������� �������� �������������������� ��� ��� ������������ �� ���� ����������� ��������� initiative (project HP10C7EZAE-WEDIONIO) for the availability of high performance computing resources and support. This work is partially supported by the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research under the grant for the Italian participation related to the international infrastructure PRACE – The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe ( ). � ������� ������� ���� ��� ������� ����� � ������������� ����� ��������� A support derives from the project “PRIN – Ricostruzione delle geometrie crostali in Sicilia e modellazione geologica”. References Accaino F., Catalano R., Di Marzo L., Giustiniani M., Tinivella U., Nicolich R., Sulli A., Valenti V. and Manetti, P.; 2011: A crustal profile across Sicily . Tectonophysics, 508 , 52-61. Barison E., Brancatelli G., Nicolich R., Accaino F., Giustiniani M. and Tinivella U.; 2011: Wave equation datuming to marine OBS data and to land high resolution seismic profiling. �� �� ����� ��������� J. of Appl. Geophys., 73 , 267-277. Basilone B., Frixa A., Trincianti E. and Valenti V.; 2016: Permian-Cenozoic deep-water carbonate rocks of the Southern Tethyan Domain. The case of Central Sicily. Ital. J. Geosci., 135 , 1, doi: 10.3301/IJG.2015.07. Berryhill J. R.; 1984: Wave-equation datuming before stack. ����������� Geophysics, 49 , 2064-2066. Bevc D.; 1997: Flooding the topography: wave equation datuming of land data with rugged acquisition topography. Geophysics, 62 , 1558-1569. Catalano R., Valenti V., Albanese C., Accaino F., Sulli A., Tinivella U., Morticelli M.G., Zanolla C. and Giustiniani M.; 2013: Sicily’s fold-thrust belt and slab roll-back: the Si.Ri.Pro. seismic crustal transect. J. Geol. Soc., 17�0 , 451-464, doi: 10.1144/jgs2012-099. Giustiniani M., Tinivella U. and Nicolich R.; 2015: Reflection seismic sections across the Geothermal Province of Tuscany from reporcessed CROP profiles. Geothermics, 53 , 498-507. Wiggins J. W.; 1984: Kirchhoff integral extrapolation and migration of nonplanar data. Geophysics, 49 , 1239-1248. The AlpArray SWATH-D experiment installations in NE Italy D. Pesaresi 1 , B. Heit 2 , G. Durì 1 , C. Haberland 2 , F. Tilmann 2 , S. Parolai 1 , M. Weber 2 1 CRS, OGS, Udine, Italy 2 Geophysics, GFZ, Potsdam, Germany The AlpArray SWATH-D experiment. The understanding of tectonic processes in the Alps has advanced significantly during the last three decades mostly via tomography, yielding information on the structure of the upper mantle below theAlps (Handy et al. , 2015). Subducted oceanic lithosphere forms a broad anomaly resting on but not penetrating the 670 kmdiscontinuity under the Alps. More shallow slabs imaged below the Alpine arc are interpreted as subducted continental lower lithosphere. However, important issues like the polarity of subduction under