GNGTS 2017 - 36° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2017 S essione 3.1 565 resolution images from the surface into the upper mantle. SWATH-D focuses on a key area of the Alps where e.g. the hypothesized flip in polarity is suggested to occur, and where the TRANSALP experiment has imaged a jump in the Moho (TRANSALPWorking Group, 2002). The data created in this project will be used directly by 20 individual proposals of the MB-4D Priority Program (Mountain Building Processes in Four Dimensions, 2017) of the German Research Foundation (DFG, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft , 1952), and data products derived from it will contribute to an additional 13 proposals. SWATH-D is thus an important link within the MB-4D Priority Program and the international AlpArray communities and a scientific service to many of the proposals within the DFG Priority Program community. Given the extension of the SWATH-D experiment in NE Italy, a specific Memorandum of Understanding between the GFZ and the Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS, has been signed for the execution of the experiment itself. SWATH-D experiment installations in NE Italy. To derive the best possible and highly resolved 3D images from crust to mantle a dense network of seismological stations is therefore required. The 154 seismic stations that will be installed are illustrated in Fig. 2. Sites were scouted in summer 2017 and deployment is currently under way (autumn 2017). Seismic stations will consist of a digital recorder (EarthData EDR-210 / EarthData PR6-24 / Cube3) and a broadband sensor (Guralp CMG-3 ESP compact / Trillium 120 PA / Trillium compact). Depending on the specific site conditions, stations will run on mains power (where available, buffered by batteries), autonomously with air batteries or exceptionally on solar power (buffered by batteries). The stations will continuously run at a sample rate of 100 samples per second; accurate timing is provided through GPS synchronization. The station deployment will follow the AlpArray “Standards for seismic stations and data management” (2016) and the “Technical strategy for the mobile seismological components of AlpArray” (Brisbourne et al. , 2013). The higher station density and resulting reduced flexibility in station siting of SWATH-D will require some compromises with respect to achievable noise levels. Fig. 2 - Locations of the SWATH-D experiment installations.