GNGTS 2017 - 36° Convegno Nazionale

566 GNGTS 2017 S essione 3.1 Wherever possible, stations will be equipped with modems to allow at least for state-of-health information on a regular, automatic and wireless basis; where achievable bandwidths allow, we will also download continuous data over these links. However, given the alpine environment and the constraints on station spacing some stations will have insufficient mobile network coverage; such that the data downloads (from internal mass storage within the recorder) will still require service trips. Before installation of instruments, all sites selected in a reconnaissance trip by three+ groups (average of 2 scouted stations per group and day). Installation will be done in Summer 2017 by at least 4 groups (average of 1 station installation per group and day; estimates based on our experiences with previous experiments). During the ca. 2-year run-time of the instruments, we plan three servicing trips to the stations on average. Demobilization is planned for spring/ summer 2019. Data preparation will start with the first service trip in 2018, or as soon as online data become available. The logistic accessibility of planned alpine locations of SWATH-D has been checked. Due to the dense network of Alpine huts, local roads to alpine pastures (“ Almen ” and “ malghe ”) and forestry tracks, almost all planned stations are within 1 to 2 km of simple access (mostly by vehicle). From our experience during TRANSALP and the information from the colleagues in EASI project (2014), we estimate that we will be able to deploy more than 75 % of the stations within a 2 to 4 km radius of the intended location. This assures the feasibility of deploying such a station network in this area – albeit with some tolerable modifications. The final configuration of the deployment will look slightly different, depending on local conditions. Planned stations of the regular gridwithin SWATH-D closer than 5 km to anAlpArray “backbone” network station are omitted. This results in 145 stations in SWATH-D, covering also the high seismicity area east of Lake Garda. We think that the present configuration of SWATH-D is the best to satisfy the needs of most of the groups applying to the MB-4D Priority Program. A few examples of SWATH installations in Italy follow (Fig. 3). Acknowledgements The MB-4D Priority Program and hence the SWATH-D experiment are funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, ). The authors wish to thank the Italian local authorities and all the people who helped in the field. References AlpArray; 2016: http://www.alparray AlpArray Standards for seismic stations and data management; (2013): http://www.alparra y backbone/standards-for-seismic-stations-and-data-management Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft; 1952: EASI project - seismic profile in the Eastern Alps; 2014: http://www.alparray . - experiments/easi/overview/ Handy M.R., Ustaszewski K. and Kissling E.; 2015: Reconstructing the Alps–Carpathians–Dinarides as a key to understanding switches in subduction polarity, slab gaps and surface motion . Int. J. Earth Sci., 104 (1), 1-26, doi:10.1007/s00531-014-1060-3. Fig. 3 - Online SWATH-D station inside an Italian “rifugio”.