GNGTS 2017 - 36° Convegno Nazionale
GNGTS 2017 S essione 1.1 29 a local reference frame (Palano et al. , 2017). In addition, by taking into account the observed horizontal velocity field and associated uncertainties, we computed the 2D strain-rate tensor over the investigated area. Because of the heterogeneous spatial distribution of our velocity field data, we adopted the method described in Shen et al. (2015) which, in interpolating the velocity field, introduces the spatial weighting function of data in various forms (e.g. uniform Gaussian or quadratic spatial weighting function), allowing to obtain finer resolution. Both velocity and strain-rate fields, while providing an update of the quantitative estimates of previously established first-order active kinematic features of the investigated area, highlight how information coming from episodic measurements are helpful to improve the network coverage and, consequently, to provide finer details on the current crustal deformation pattern. However, velocities estimated on a number of episodic benchmarks, although spanning a time interval generally longer than 10 years, are based on very few observations (only 3-4 measurements) and therefore are affected by larger uncertainties. To reduce these uncertainties as well as to improve the spatial resolution of the investigate area, additional measurements, carried out on all the benchmarks of the “IGM95 geodetic network”, are strictly required. Aknowledgments We thank the scientific and technical staff of INGV who continue to maintain the GPS network. We thank also Leica Geosystems S.P.A. ( ), NetGEO ( ) Unavco facility (www. , Regione Calabria ( for providing free access to GPS data. References Billi A., Presti D., Faccenna C., Neri G. and Orecchio B.; 2007: Seismotectonics of the Nubia plate compressive margin in the south Tyrrhenian region, Italy: Clues for subduction inception . J. Geophys. Res., 112 , B08302, DOI:10.1029/2006JB004837. 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