GNGTS 2017 - 36° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2017 S essione 3.3 695 Fig. 2 - Joint inversion of the six considered objects (see also Fig. 3): a) field seismic traces (Z, R and T components); b) field and synthetic RPM frequency curves (Rayleigh waves appear strongly prograde along the entire considered frequency range); c) group-velocity spectra of the ZVF component (background colours represent the field data while the overlying black contour lines the synthetic spectrum of the minimum-distance model reported in Fig. 3d); d) field and synthetic group-velocity spectra of the RVF component. Fig. 3 - Joint inversion of the six considered objects (see also Fig. 2): a) group-velocity spectra of Love waves (THF component); b) field and synthetic RVSR curves; c) field and synthetic HVSRs; d) retrieved VS profile (minimum- distance model).