GNGTS 2017 - 36° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2017 S essione 1.1 59 Preliminary results. The observed coseismcic effects mainly consist of fractures developing in the ground and along some roads, and by small gravitational phenomena affecting the epicentral area (Fig. 1). These effects are consistent with other field observations and geophysical parameters (Gruppo di Lavoro INGV, 2017 and in particular: i) the macroseismic survey detected by the QUEST-INGV group (Azzaro et al. , 2017), ii) the deformation field highlighted by the CNR-IREA SAR data ( : terremoto-ischia), iii) the GPS and tiltmetric data of the Osservatorio Vesuviano-INGV (http:// campania/Bollettino%20Mensile%20Ischia%202017_ 08.pdf). Furthermore, the coseismic deformation observed at the surface is consistent with E-W and WNW-ESE faults systems reported in the geological map (Carta geologica dell’Isola d’Ischia della Regione Campania in scala 1:10.000, Foglio 464, 2011) and in the literature (Vezzoli, 1988; de Vita et al. , 2006; Nappi et al. , 2010). Some of the observed coseismic phenomena affected the old diffuse landslides (Del Prete and Mele, 1999; Della Seta et al. , 2012), set on the loose grafts resulting from the dismantling of M. Epomeo. The completion of the geological survey is underway to gather further useful data to improve knowledge of the phenomenon. Acknowledgments Special thanks to Paolo Marco De Martini and Raffele Azzaro for their useful suggestions which helped us to improve the writing of the paper. References Alessio G., Esposito E., Ferranti L., Mastrolorenzo G., Porfido S.;1996: Correlazione tra sismicità ed elementi strutturali nell’isola d’ischia. Il Quaternario, vol. 9, Issue 1, 303-308. Azzaro R., Del Mese S., Graziani L., Maramai A., Martini G., Paolini S., Screpanti A., Verrubbi V., Arcoraci L., Tertulliani A.; 2017: QUEST - Rilievo macrosismico per il terremoto dell’isola di Ischia del 21 agosto 2017. Rapporto finale. Rapporto interno, doi:10.5281/zenodo.886047. 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