GNGTS 2018 - 37° Convegno Nazionale
GNGTS 2018 S essione 1.2 235 chronology of fault activity may be inferred from the cross sections that we have constructed. In particular, the sharp deepening of the carbonate bedrock towards the SW constrains location of one of the faults (fault F1) that bound the Sarno plain graben towards the NE, while the increase of thickness of marine to transitional environment sediments underlying the pre-C.I. pyroclastics points to vertical offset along Fault F1 coeval to deposition of this unit (Fig. 2). More recent activations of fault F1 both in the time span framed between deposition of the pre- C.I. volcanics and the C.I. deposition, and after the C.I. deposition (post-39 ka) are identified by the differential vertical displacement of the bottom of the pre-C.I. in relation to the base of the C.I. deposits (Fig. 2). Very recent activity of fault F1 is inferred from the occurrence of a ~ 8 m thick peat layer, possibly Holocene in age, recovered a few meters below the alluvial plain topographic surface, which suggests subsidence-related ponding in the hanging wall block of fault F1. Integration of surface (geomorphological) and subsurface (stratigraphical) data indicates that the NW-SE trending, SW-facing rectilinear scarp, which truncates the youngest alluvial fans of the Lavorate basin, may be considered as the surface expression of fault F1 activity, thus pointing to fault F1 as an active and capable fault. References Aprile F. and Toccaceli R.M.; 2002: Nuove conoscenze sulla stratigrafia e distribuzione dei depositi ignimbritici quaternari nel sottosuolo della piana del Sarno (Salerno-Campania) – Italia meridionale. Ital. J. Quat. Sci., 15(2) , 169-174. Bellucci F., Santangelo N. and Santo A.; 2003: Segnalazione di nuovi depositi piroclastici intercalati alle successioni continentali del Pleistocene Superiore – Olocene della porzione nord-orientale della piana Campana . Ital. J. Quat. Sci., 16(2) , 279-287. Cinque A., Alinaghi H.H., Laureti L. and Russo F.; 1987: Osservazioni preliminari sull’evoluzione geomorfologia della Piana del Sarno. (Campania, Appenino Meridionale). Geogr. Fis. Dinam. Quat., 10 , 161 – 174. De Vivo B., Rolandi G., Gans P.B., Calvert A., Bohrson W.A., Spera F.J and Belkin H.E.; 2001: New constraints on the pyroclastic eruptive history of the Campania volcanic plain . Mineral. Petrol., 73 , 47-65. Irollo G., Ascione A. and Cinque A.; 2005: Holocene tectonic activity along two fault zones in the Gulf of Napoli. In: Slejko D. e Rebez A. (eds.), Gruppo Nazionale di Geofisica della Terra Solida, 24° Convegno Nazionale, Riassunti estesi delle comunicazioni, Roma, pp. 17–21. Patacca E., Sartori R. and Scandone P.; 1990: Tyrrhenian basin and apenninic arcs kinematic relations since Late Tortonian times. Mem. Soc. Geol. Ital., 45 , 425–451. Rolandi G., Bellucci F., Heizler M.T., Belkin H.E. and De Vivo B.; 2003: Tectonic control on the genesis of ignimbrites from the campanian volcanic zone, southern Italy. Mineral. Petrol. 79, 3-31. Rovida A., Locati M., Camassi R., Lolli B. and Gasperini P. (eds.); 2016. CPTI15, the 2015 version of the Parametric Catalogue of Italian Earthquakes. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia. doi: INGV.IT -CPTI15. Santangelo N., Romano P., Ascione A. and Russo Ermolli E.; 2017: Quaternary evolution of the Southern Apennines coastal plains: a review. Geol. Carp., 68(1) , 43-56.
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