GNGTS 2018 - 37° Convegno Nazionale

26 GNGTS 2018 S essione 1.1 the bordering normal faults with different styles and rates throughout the area (section a-b in Fig. 1). Furthermore, deep normal faults and seismicity are rooted down to the base of these large and extremely high-Vp bodies. Since contiguous segments of the normal faulting system repeatedly ruptured during past decades (i.e., the 2009 L’Aquila and 2016-2018 Amatrice earthquakes), our investigations Fig. 1 - Upper panel: map of the study area showing the principal structural elements. Solid black lines are thrusts: Sit (Sibillini), Vnt (Val Nerina), Gst (Gran Sasso); solid red lines are normal faults: MLGf (Monti della Laga-Gorzano), Asgf (Assergi), Cptf (Capitignano), SGvf (San Giovanni), PzBf (Pizzoli-Barete), Pttf (Pettino), VtBf (Mt.Vettore-Bove system), Ncf (Norcia fault system), Lnf (Leonessa), PAGf (Paganica), MtFf (Monticchio-Fossa). Larger earthquakes occurred in 2009 and 2016-17 are shown as stars. 2009 aftershocks are represented by cyan-to-pink dots depending to depth (after Valoroso et al., 2013) while green dots (without a color code for the lower resolution of hypocentral depths) for 2016-17 aftershocks sequence (Chiaraluce et al. , 2017). Deep wells are shown (A1=Antrodoco 1, V1= Varoni 1, C1= Campotosto 1). Lower panel: vertical sections of Vp model across the MLGf (a) and PAGf (b) are proposed. White lines refer to the top of the Triassic evaporites (Tev) from deep well data. Aftershocks from Valoroso et al. (2013) are shown as black dots. The main faults, drawn jointly interpreting tomograms and seismicity, are represented by solid (highly constrained) and dashed (more inferred) red lines.