GNGTS 2018 - 37° Convegno Nazionale

316 GNGTS 2018 S essione 2.1 Costa G., Moratto L. and Suhadolc P.; 2010: The Friuli Venezia Giulia Accelerometric Network: RAF . Bull. Earthq. Eng., 8 , 1141-1157. Costa G., Ammirati A., De Nardis R., Filippi L., Gallo A., Lavecchia G., Sirignano S., Suhadolc P., Zambonelli E. and Nicoletti M.; 2015: The Italian Strong Motion Network (RAN), near-real time data acquisition and data analysis: a useful tool for seismic risk mitigation . Second European Conference of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology. DOI:10.13140/2.1.3513.4722. Faccioli E. and Cauzzi C.; 2006: Macroseismic intensities for seismic scenarios, estimated from instrumentally based correlations . In: Proc. First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology. Geneva, Switzerland, paper 569. DOI 10.13140/RG.2.1.3984.2641. Faenza L. and Michelini A.; 2010: Regression analysis of MCS intensity and ground motion parameters in Italy and its application in ShakeMap . Geophys. J. Int., 180 , 1138-1152. Gorini A., Nicoletti M., Marsan P., Bianconi R., De Nardis R., Filippi L., Marcucci S., Palma F. and Zambonelli E.; 2010: The Italian strong motion network . Bull. Earthq. Eng., 8 , 1075-1090. Locati M., Camassi R. and Stucchi M. (eds.); 2011: DBMI11, la versione 2011 del Database Macrosismico Italiano . Milano, Bologna. DOI 10.6092 /INGV.IT -DBMI11. < >. Locati M., Camassi R., Rovida A., Ercolani E., Bernardini F., Castelli V., Caracciolo C. H., Tertulliani A., Rossi A., Azzaro R., D’Amico S., Conte S. and Rocchetti E.; 2016: DBMI15, the 2015 version of the Italian Macroseismic Database . Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia. Luzi L., Hailemikael S., Bindi D., Pacor F., Mele F. and Sabetta F.; 2008: Itaca (Italian Accelerometric Archive): A web portal for the dissemination of Italian strong-motion data . Seism. Res. Lett., 79, 5, 716–722. Margottini C., Molin D. and Serva L.; 1992: Intensity versus ground motion: a new approach using Italian data . Engineering Geology, 33 , 1, 45-58. Tiberi L., Costa C., Jamsek Rupnik P., Cecic I. and Suhadolc P.; 2018: The 1895 Ljubljana earthquake: can the intensity data points discriminate which one of the nearby faults was the causative one?. J. Seismol., 22 , 927-941. THE ITALIAN ALERT SYSTEM FOR TSUNAMIS: THE SIAM DIRECTIVE (2017) AND ITS IMPLEMENTATION L. D’Angelo, M. Dolce, P. Pagliara, D. Di Bucci, E. Panunzi, M. Santini, A. Scalzo Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Dipartimento della Protezione Civile, Italy The Italian Alert System for Tsunamis caused by seismic events (SiAM – Sistema di Allertamento nazionale per i Maremoti) has been officially established in 2017, after a Directive issued by the Prime Minister (DPCM, 2017). The SiAM is composed of three institutions with different tasks, which contribute together to the implementation of a common objective: to alert, as soon as possible and with the available tools, all the administrations (including local authorities) and operational bodies potentially involved in a tsunami event. Specifically: • INGV - National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, which operates through the Tsunami Alert Center (CAT), assesses the possibility that a particular earthquake, with epicenter in the sea or in the immediate vicinity, may generate a tsunami and estimates the expected arrival times and alert levels (red, orange, no alert) along the exposed coasts; • ISPRA - Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research provides the data recorded by the national tide gauge network to the CAT-INGV, to confirm or not the actual occurrence of the tsunami; • DPC - the Italian Civil Protection Department is responsible for the coordination of the system and for the prompt and simultaneous dissemination of the alert messages to the entire National Service of Civil Protection, i.e., all its components (central government of the State, the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, Provinces, Municipalities) and operational bodies (e.g., National Fire Corps, Army, Police, scientific community, Italian Red Cross, the structures of the National Health Service, voluntary organizations, etc.).