GNGTS 2018 - 37° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2018 S essione 2.1 317 To alert as soon as possible all the administrations and operational bodies potentially involved in a tsunami event, SiAM has developed a dedicated technological platform for automatic, near real time dissemination of alert messages to the entire emergency response system at all levels through emails and SMS messages. The platform is designed as a modular system, in sight of future integrations of other types of risks and additional technologies for the dissemination of the alerts. The SiAM system fully implements the principles established within the Intergovernmental Coordination Group of UNESCO for the establishment of a Tsunami Warning System in the NEAM region, the North East Atlantic, Mediterranean and connect seas (ICG/NEAMTWS). Indeed, in this framework, not only is the CAT-INGV the National Tsunami Warning Centre for Italy, but it is also one of the official Tsunami Service Providers for the entire Mediterranean region, operating within the regional system for tsunami warning and releasing alert messages in case of a tsunami in the Mediterranean Sea to several European, African, Asian countries / institutions of the EuroMed region. SiAM takes into account two fundamental aspects that affect the entire architecture: the small size of the Mediterranean basin, which makes the time for any alert limited, and the causes triggering the tsunami event. Earthquakes are the main cause of tsunamis (about 80%). Although the tsunamis may have different triggers than seismic events, at present the phenomena behind these additional causes are not systematically detectable in advance of the event and, therefore, do not allow the activation of a warning system. The SiAM, therefore, has the task of monitoring and alerting only in case of possible tsunamis of seismic origin that occur in the Mediterranean Sea. SiAM does not directly reach the population, which must be alerted through the procedures defined in the municipal emergency management plans. To support the local authorities in this effort of establishing alerting procedures for the population within the respective emergency management plans, the Civil Protection Department is about to issue the national guidelines on how to update the emergency management plans of public administrations and operational bodies with respect of tsunami risk. These guidelines are part of a Decree recently signed by the Head of the Civil Protection Department. The Decree is expected to be formally issued within the year and includes a technical annex written in close cooperation with INGV and ISPRA. In the guidelines, alert levels and corresponding expected tsunami inundation areas are defined for each part of the Italian coastline. In particular, the national guidelines will include the following: • a detailed explanation of the tsunami early warning system at national level; • the expected tsunami inundation areas for each part of the Italian coastline for the different alert levels, based on the probabilistic tsunami hazard model provided by TSUMAPS- NEAM (2016-2018) project, ad hoc prepared for the national coastlines; • guidelines about the contents of the emergency plans, reference material for the tsunami signage which is recommended to be installed, and best practices on the tsunami public alert communication measures. Local authorities and national operational bodies are expected to make ready/update the respective emergency management plans. The local emergency plans shall include a public risk communication plan to increase the community awareness and preparedness for tsunami hazard and risk, not only at institutional level, but also among the citizens. References DPCM; 2017: Direttiva Del Presidente Del Consiglio Dei Ministri 17 febbraio 2017: Istituzione del Sistema d’AllertamentonazionaleperiMaremotigeneratidasisma-SiAM.(17A03755)(GUSerieGeneralen.128del05-06- 2017). Gazzetta=2017-06-05&atto.codiceRedazionale=17A03755 TSUMAPS-NEAM; 2016-2018: Agreement N° ECHO/SUB/2015/718568/PREV26), funded by DG-ECHO and led by INGV.